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Can I participate in the review if the social security is not enough?

Published on: 2023-04-24 09:54:24 come from: Station affairs leisure / Chatting tea bar [Copy and forward]

All applicants who want to evaluate professional titles should pay attention to that. While preparing performance materials, don't forget to check whether your social security duration is satisfied! If the social security is not paid to a certain number of years, it will directly affect the process of your professional title declaration.


Requirements of professional title on social security

There are three kinds of social security requirements for professional title declaration, which are: social security duration requirements, social security location requirements, and social security unit requirements.

Requirements for duration of social security

It is usually required to pay social insurance for more than 6 months in a row. There may be differences in different regions, and the local policies shall prevail. It is recommended that all applicants apply for professional titles when they have worked in the same unit for more than half a year. In order to make the declaration more smooth, it is not recommended to change jobs during the declaration period, which will lead to the interruption of social security, and at the same time, to avoid problems such as sealing of follow-up materials.

Requirements of social security location

The social security materials should be the same as the work experience. If the social security materials cannot correspond to the actual work, they may be judged as materials that do not meet the review requirements.

Requirements of social security units

Generally, the social insurance for professional title needs to be paid by the company. Since the social insurance paid by individuals only includes three insurances, the professional title review requires payment of five insurances.

What if the social security is inconsistent with the work unit?

Don't worry if you meet one of the following three conditions! You can also apply for a professional title as long as you prepare the corresponding materials!

1. Dispatched employees

Dispatched employees can also apply for professional titles. When applying, they need to upload attachments such as dispatch qualifications, tripartite contracts, and labor contracts to prove that the actual work unit can apply for professional titles.

2. Different companies

Some people pay social insurance in their branches, but work in the head office. In this case, they can apply in the name of the social security unit, apply for professional titles in the social security location, provide the performance of the head office, and issue the certificate of affiliation of the company.

3. Social security paid by human resources company

Some construction companies are paid by human resources companies. In this case, you need to provide a social security payment certificate to prove your actual relationship with the company.

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