Civil Engineering Online Forum \ building structure \ Orthodox rock and soil \ Check calculation of retaining wall stability

Check calculation of retaining wall stability

Published on: 2022-01-28 22:43:28 come from: building structure / Orthodox rock and soil [Copy and forward]

Gentlemen, I have a question. When checking the stability of the retaining wall, I added a load of 30kN at the place 7 meters away from the wall corner on the slope. Why are the calculated safety factors against tilting and sliding larger than those without load?

  •  yyz639
    yyz639 sofa

    Does this load increase the vertical load, friction and anti sliding stability?

    2022-02-21 21:38:21

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  •  dgongxiaoh

    Is the load you added favorable? Don't you know the calculation process by looking at it yourself? They didn't say specifically, and they couldn't help you check whether the calculation was correct or wrong.

    2022-02-08 20:14:08

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    agree with zero

Orthodox rock and soil

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Gentlemen, I have a question.

Gentlemen, I have a question. When checking the stability of the retaining wall, I added a load of 30kN at the place 7 meters away from the wall corner on the slope. Why are the calculated safety factors against tilting and sliding larger than those without load?

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