Yangzhou Office of Jiangsu Baota Logistics Co., Ltd

Main line: Yangzhou → Ningbo Yangzhou → Kunming Yangzhou → Hohhot

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  • Company Profile

  • Company Dynamics

Jiangsu Baota Logistics Co., Ltd. Yangzhou Office is specialized in the vehicle less than carload business from Yangzhou to all provinces, cities and counties in the country. In the spirit of sincere hospitality and taking the interests of customers as our responsibility, customer satisfaction is our pursuit, professional logistics and high-quality service! Business scope: Suzhou Hangzhou Beijing Tianjin Jinan Changzhou Shanghai Wuhan Zhengzhou Shijiazhuang and other cities across the country, pursuing new logistics experience of speed, safety, accuracy and efficiency. Welcome new and old customers to telephone the vertical line, we firmly believe that: trust us, let us become your logistics experts. The company takes the customer as the god and the customer's interests as the major interests. And every VIP who supports our company to create perfect service. Your support is the affirmation of our company. We will work hard to make every customer who cooperates with our company happy and satisfied. At the same time, on behalf of the employees of our company, I would like to offer my support to our friends [See more]
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    Contact: Manager Wei
    Address: Yangzhou Sanxiao Logistics Park

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