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Car purchase price element (The actual transaction price can be entered manually)
Please select a model or fill in the purchase price
Subtotal: 0 yuan Necessary expenses
Payment option amount of money detailed
Purchase tax element Purchase tax=purchase price/(1+13%) × purchase tax rate (10%)
Licensing fee element Generally, the one-stop service provided by merchants is about 500 yuan, and the personal service is about 373 yuan, including 150 yuan for industrial and commercial verification, 30 yuan for mobile card, 3 yuan for environmental protection card, 40 yuan for number expansion, 20 yuan for driving license photos, and 130 yuan for tray
Vehicle and vessel use tax
The provinces are not unified. Take Beijing as an example (unit/year).
  • 300 yuan below 1.0L (inclusive);
  • 1.0-1.6L (including) 420 yuan;
  • 1.6-2.0L (including) 480 yuan;
  • 2.0-2.5L (including) 900 yuan;
  • 2.5-3.0L (including) 1920 yuan;
  • 3.0-4.0L (including) 3480 yuan;
  • RMB5280 above 4.0L; Less than one year shall be calculated as the remaining month of the current year.
Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance
element 950 yuan/year for families with 6 seats or less, 1100 yuan/year for families with 6 seats or more
Subtotal of commercial insurance: 0 yuan commercial insurance
Payment option amount of money detailed
Compensation limit:

element Basic premium+bare car price × 1.0880%
element Basic premium+bare car price × rate
element Purchase price of imported new cars × 0.25%, purchase price of domestic new cars × 0.15%
element New car purchase price × 0.15%
element (Vehicle loss insurance+third party liability insurance) × 20%
element Third party liability insurance premium × 20%
element The premium per person is 50 yuan, which can be filled in according to the actual number of seats
Compensation limit:
Total estimated cost of full car purchase zero element
This result is for reference only, and the actual cost is subject to local payment
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