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essential information
Title Fashion women promoting luggage shopping - 500729943
Registration No HZDZ - 2019-G-01400875 category Photography
copyright owner Shanghai Hanzhong Network Technology Co., Ltd Creation completion date -
Registration date 2019-07-04 Date of first publication -
Copyright of other works of the company
S/N Title Registration No category Registration date Creation completion date
one Beautiful Star Night Poster-400222120 HZDZ-2024-F-03026353 Art works 2024-01-29 -
two Successful celebration of falling banknotes - 400223887 HZDZ-2024-F-03027155 Art works 2024-01-29 -
three Looking for the soul painter poster - 400223647 HZDZ-2024-F-03027203 Art works 2024-01-29 -
four Summer travel - 400220517 HZDZ-2024-F-03026707 Art works 2024-01-29 -
five Hand painted tourism icon - 400223389 HZDZ-2024-F-03027232 Art works 2024-01-29 -
Information of the copyright owner of the work
Shanghai Hanzhong
Shanghai Hanzhong Network Technology Co., Ltd
Date of establishment: 2015-08-04
Legal representative: Cui Jingyuan
Unified social credit code: 91310115350930582E
Tianyancha copyright query channel, data from Shanghai Hanzhong Network Technology Co., Ltd Legally published copyright data are for reference only.
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