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essential information
Title (3451595) texture font
Registration No HZDZ-2023-F-02970757 category Art works
copyright owner Shanghai Huaitu Network Technology Co., Ltd Creation completion date -
Registration date 2023-11-28 Date of first publication -
Copyright of other works of the company
S/N Title Registration No category Registration date Creation completion date
one (413354) photo wall hanging clothesline HZDZ-2023-F-02980152 Art works 2023-12-06 -
two (1930128) easter HZDZ-2023-F-02981584 Art works 2023-12-06 -
three (3202598) dark blue reference box HZDZ-2023-F-02979804 Art works 2023-12-06 -
four (3008128) vector q plate piglets HZDZ-2023-F-02980575 Art works 2023-12-06 -
five (2868698)fuding white tea tea leaf HZDZ-2023-F-02980443 Art works 2023-12-06 -
Information of the copyright owner of the work
Huaitu, Shanghai
Shanghai Huaitu Network Technology Co., Ltd
Date of establishment: 2017-05-15
Legal representative: Zhang Maoshi
Unified social credit code: 91310110MA1G8EHX3X
Tianyancha copyright query channel, data from Shanghai Huaitu Network Technology Co., Ltd Legally published copyright data are for reference only.
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Tianyancha customer service: 400-608-0000
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