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essential information
Title Qianku Element Children's Day Dolls 10
Registration No HZDZ-2023-F-02771662 category Art works
copyright owner Shanghai Pintu Network Technology Co., Ltd Creation completion date -
Registration date 2023-06-26 Date of first publication -
Copyright of other works of the company
S/N Title Registration No category Registration date Creation completion date
one Thousands of libraries element music note wing pixel painting HZDZ-2024-F-03017943 Art works 2024-01-26 -
two Qianku element scarecrow Xiaoman full solar term HZDZ-2024-F-03017882 Art works 2024-01-26 -
three Qianku Element Reading Father HZDZ-2024-F-03017771 Art works 2024-01-26 -
four Thousands of libraries element orange round shield HZDZ-2024-F-03017592 Art works 2024-01-26 -
five Qianku element stewardess and luggage HZDZ-2024-F-03017751 Art works 2024-01-26 -
Information of the copyright owner of the work
Shanghai Pintu
Shanghai Pintu Network Technology Co., Ltd
Date of establishment: 2013-01-09
Legal representative: Wang Wei
Unified social credit code: nine hundred and thirteen thousand one hundred and one trillion and one hundred and fifty billion six hundred and eight million seven hundred and fifty-seven thousand eight hundred and seventeen
Tianyancha copyright query channel, data from Shanghai Pintu Network Technology Co., Ltd Legally published copyright data are for reference only.
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