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Title When do you take steroids for pneumonia
Registration No Su Zuodeng Zi-2022-S-00227152 category fixation on phonograms
copyright owner Jiangsu Minfukang Technology Co., Ltd Creation completion date 2020-02-13
Registration date 2022-09-22 Date of first publication 2020-02-27
Copyright of other works of the company
S/N Title Registration No category Registration date Creation completion date
one After taking entecavir for more than one year, the viral load has dropped, but it has not turned negative. Do you want to continue taking it Su Zuodeng Zi-2023-A-00057401 written words 2023-03-21 2021-10-11
two How to regulate female liver qi stagnation in autumn and winter; learn 3 moves to nourish the liver and regulate qi Su Zuodeng Zi-2023-A-00057402 written words 2023-03-21 2021-10-10
three None of the three statements about taking metformin for lowering blood sugar are correct, and there are three precautions to tell you Su Zuodeng Zi-2023-A-00055840 written words 2023-03-20 2021-10-10
four Rumor has it that eating ginger can relieve abdominal distension. Is it true that you have repeatedly suffered from abdominal distension or have three symptoms Su Zuodeng Zi-2023-A-00049337 written words 2023-03-09 2021-10-09
five What to do if the child's tongue burns Su Zuodeng Zi-2023-S-00049340 fixation on phonograms 2023-03-09 2020-12-28
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Jiangsu Minfu
Jiangsu Minfukang Technology Co., Ltd
Date of establishment: 2010-11-19
Legal representative: Hu Yang
Unified social credit code: 91320800565279010T
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