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National SME Development Sub fund
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essential information
Title (19634174) AE template of simple particle enterprise logo deduction and display
Registration No HZDZ-2023-I-02602549 category Works created by similar film production methods
copyright owner Shanghai Baotu Network Technology Co., Ltd Creation completion date -
Registration date 2023-01-29 Date of first publication -
Copyright of other works of the company
S/N Title Registration No category Registration date Creation completion date
one (19690635) Photo of sudden cardiac death due to overwork and overdraft HZDZ-2024-G-03179431 Photography 2024-05-30 2021-02-03
two (19688464) Simple flat style office supplies ink stone mg animation HZDZ-2024-I-03179730 Works created by similar film production methods 2024-05-30 2021-02-05
three (19691238) Red pane flower decoration HZDZ-2024-F-03178534 Fine Arts 2024-05-30 2021-02-18
four (19690805) Simple flat style office supplies ruler mg animation HZDZ-2024-I-03179687 Works created by similar film production methods 2024-05-30 2021-02-16
five (19686020) Photograph of antique coffee cup HZDZ-2024-G-03179341 Photography 2024-05-30 2021-02-01
Information of the copyright owner of the work
Shanghai Baotu
Shanghai Baotu Network Technology Co., Ltd
Date of establishment: 2016-09-28
Legal representative: Song Denghui
Unified social credit code: 91310113MA1GKY1R20
Tianyancha copyright query channel, data from Shanghai Baotu Network Technology Co., Ltd Legally published copyright data are for reference only.
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