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Title tungstar3175931
Registration No JZDZ - 2012-G-00248526 category Photography
copyright owner Beijing Dongxing Video Technology Co., Ltd Creation completion date 2011-05-28
Registration date 2012-09-17 Date of first publication 2011-05-28
Copyright of other works of the company
S/N Title Registration No category Registration date Creation completion date
one tungstar4226466 JZDZ - 2014-G-00230216 Photography 2014-09-28 2012-02-27
two tungstar4226577 JZDZ - 2014-G-00229822 Photography 2014-09-28 2012-02-27
three tungstar4225900 JZDZ - 2014-G-00229839 Photography 2014-09-28 2012-02-27
four tungstar4226305 JZDZ - 2014-G-00229844 Photography 2014-09-28 2012-02-27
five tungstar4229424 JZDZ - 2014-G-00229856 Photography 2014-09-28 2012-02-27
Information of the copyright owner of the work
Beijing Dongxing
Beijing Dongxing Video Technology Co., Ltd
Date of establishment: 2004-07-02
Legal representative: Chen Youbin
Unified social credit code: nine hundred and eleven thousand one hundred and one trillion and eighty-seven billion six hundred and fifty million four hundred and thirty-two thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven
Tianyancha copyright query channel, data from Beijing Dongxing Video Technology Co., Ltd Legally published copyright data are for reference only.
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Tianyancha customer service: 400-608-0000
Copyright: Beijing Tianyancha Technology Co., Ltd © 2020 TIANYANCHA Jing ICP Bei No. 18045476-6 Value added telecommunication business license: Beijing B2-20210267
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