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essential information
Software name Intelligent identification software for hidden dangers of bedding rock landslide
Software abbreviation - Version No V1.0
Registration No 2024SR0624151 Category No -
copyright owner Shandong Agricultural University Date of first publication -
Registration date 2024-05-09
Other software copyrights of the company
S/N Registration date Full name of software Software abbreviation Registration No Version No
one 2024-09-10 Intelligent rice harvest management software - 2024SR1341062 V1.0
two 2024-09-10 Four rotor speed measurement system - 2024SR1343571 V1.0
three 2024-09-03 Hyperspectral prediction system of soil organic matter in tobacco field based on competitive adaptive reweighting sampling method - 2024SR1297174 V1.0
four 2024-09-02 Water affairs data visualization system - 2024SR1289525 V1.0
five 2024-08-30 Identification System of Common Physiological Diseases of Grape - 2024SR1274197 V1.0
Tianyancha copyright query channel, data from Shandong Agricultural University Legally published copyright data are for reference only.
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