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essential information
Software name Mine intelligent linkage control system
Software abbreviation - Version No V1.0
Registration No 2023SR0590115 Category No -
copyright owner Shaanxi Shengyou Technology Co., Ltd Date of first publication -
Registration date 2023-06-07
Other software copyrights of the company
S/N Registration date Full name of software Software abbreviation Registration No Version No
one 2024-06-12 Shengyou IControl Industrial Brain Intelligent Control Platform SYIControl 2024SR0794243 V1.0
two 2023-07-05 One map management and control platform of mine safety production GIS - 2023SR0806110 V1.0
three 2023-06-07 Equipment life cycle management system - 2023SR0590119 V1.0
four 2023-06-07 Big data management and application platform Big data platform 2023SR0590116 V1.0
five 2023-06-07 Safety production awareness data access system - 2023SR0590118 V1.0
The software copyright owner information
Shaanxi Shengyou
Shaanxi Shengyou Technology Co., Ltd
Date of establishment: 2023-03-21
Legal representative: Isomorphism
Unified social credit code: 91610138MACBWKKC3L
Tianyancha copyright query channel, data from Shaanxi Shengyou Technology Co., Ltd Legally published copyright data are for reference only.
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