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essential information
Software name Intelligent file cabinet terminal software
Software abbreviation Smart file cabinet Version No V1.0
Registration No 2023SR0573322 Category No -
copyright owner Shenzhen Tuanpeng Technology Co., Ltd Date of first publication 2022-08-30
Registration date 2023-05-30
Other software copyrights of the company
S/N Registration date Full name of software Software abbreviation Registration No Version No
one 2024-08-02 Internet of Things edge gateway software (embedded software) - 2024SR1112877 V1.0
two 2024-07-15 LoRaWAN gateway software (embedded software) - 2024SR0997448 V1.0
three 2024-07-15 Electronic paper conference table software (embedded software) - 2024SR0996984 V1.0
four 2024-07-15 Electronic paper conference table card WeChat applet Electronic table card applet 2024SR0996982 V1.0
five 2024-07-12 Ammunition cabinet management system ACS 2024SR0993954 V1.0
The software copyright owner information
Shenzhen Tuanpeng
Shenzhen Tuanpeng Technology Co., Ltd
Date of establishment: 2021-12-07
Legal representative: Liu Hexing
Unified social credit code: 91440300MA5H40CE4A
Tianyancha copyright query channel, data from Shenzhen Tuanpeng Technology Co., Ltd Legally published copyright data are for reference only.
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Tianyancha customer service: 400-608-0000
Copyright: Beijing Tianyancha Technology Co., Ltd © 2020 TIANYANCHA Jing ICP Bei No. 18045476-6 Value added telecommunication business license: Beijing B2-20210267
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