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essential information
Software name EcpalmSurvey mobile terminal questionnaire survey system
Software abbreviation EcpalmSurvey Version No V1.0.0
Registration No 2023SR0314412 Category No -
copyright owner Beijing Shidai Zhongchuang Consulting Co., Ltd Date of first publication 2017-09-20
Registration date 2023-03-10
The software copyright owner information
Beijing Times
Beijing Shidai Zhongchuang Consulting Co., Ltd
Date of establishment: 2011-12-02
Legal representative: Wang Yancheng
Unified social credit code: 91110105587746708D
Copyright of other software in 2023
S/N Registration date Full name of software Software abbreviation Registration No Version No
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five 2023-06-15 Intelligent animal health indicator information processing platform - 2023SR0671419 V1.0
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