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2022-05-13 14:34:58
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Meaning refers to different concepts of polysemy, such as Li Na Meaning: tennis player, singer, etc; If you are the one, do not disturb Meaning: Feng Xiaogang directed movies, Jiangsu Satellite TV dating programs, etc. View detailed specifications>>
one 's only son This is a polysemous word. Please select browse from the following (2 senses in total):

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An only child, pronounced d ú z ǐ, a Chinese word, refers to a couple who have only one son.

basic Shao Xing Zhu Bi Da Fa Ju Qu Shou Bo information

  • Chinese name

    one 's only son

  • interpretation

    Men without brothers; The only son

  • source

    Historical Records: Biographies of Prince Wei

  • Pinyin

    dú zǐ


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A couple come from And only one son.

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Records of the Historian, Prince Wei's List Biography: "All brothers are in the army, and all brothers return ; The only son has no brothers, so he is adopted. "

Ice core《 My friend's mother 》: "You don't want me You want grandchildren, and you're still An only child. "

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