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VAT is based on the value added generated in the circulation of goods Tax basis It is a turnover tax. What does VAT mean? What's the difference between VAT special invoice and ordinary invoice? How to fill in the VAT return form? Many users are not clear about these problems. The following section will introduce VAT related issues. Users who need a brief understanding of it!

Introduction to terms

1. What is the meaning of VAT? 2. The difference between VAT special invoices and ordinary invoices? 3. How to fill in VAT tax returns? 1. What is the meaning of VAT? Many users are not clear about the meaning of nearby VAT. The following section will introduce VAT. VAT is based on the value added generated in the circulation of goods Tax basis It is a turnover tax. From the tax principle, VAT is a turnover tax levied on the added value of many links in the production, circulation and service of goods or the added value of goods. The implementation of tax beyond price means that consumers should bear the burden. Only when there is value added can taxes be levied, but not when there is value added. VAT is a tax levied on the value-added realized by units and individuals who sell goods, provide processing, repair and replacement services, and import goods. VAT has become one of the most important taxes in China. The income of VAT accounts for more than 60% of all taxes in China, which is the largest tax. VAT is collected by the State Administration of Taxation. 50% of the tax revenue is from the central government and 50% is from local governments. The customs is responsible for the collection of VAT in the import link, and the tax revenue is all the revenue of the central government. On March 15, 2019, Premier Li Keqiang said at the second session of the 13th National People's Congress in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing that VAT would be reduced on April 1, and social insurance rates would be reduced on May 1. 2. What is the difference between VAT invoices and ordinary invoices? Many users do not know the difference between special VAT invoices and ordinary invoices. The following editor will introduce this problem. 1. The printing requirements of invoices are different. According to Article 22 of the new Tax Administration Law, VAT special invoices shall be printed by enterprises designated by the competent tax department of the State Council. Other invoices shall be printed by enterprises designated by the state tax bureaus and local tax bureaus of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in accordance with the provisions of the competent department of the State Council. No invoice may be printed without the designation of the tax authorities as prescribed in the preceding paragraph. 2. The special VAT invoices used by different entities can only be purchased and used by general VAT taxpayers. If small-scale taxpayers need to use the special VAT invoices, they can only be issued by local tax authorities after being approved by the tax authorities. Ordinary invoices can be purchased and used by various taxpayers who are engaged in business activities and have gone through tax registration. Taxpayers who have not gone through tax registration can also apply to the tax authorities for purchasing and using ordinary invoices. 3. The contents of the invoice are different. In addition to the contents of the ordinary invoice, such as the purchase unit, sales unit, name of goods or services, quantity and measurement unit of goods or services, unit price and price, invoicing unit, payee, invoicing date, the VAT special invoice also includes the taxpayer's tax registration number, amount excluding VAT, applicable tax rate VAT payable, etc. 4. There are four copies and seven copies of special VAT invoices. The first copy is the stub copy (for retention for future reference), the second copy is the invoice copy (for the purchaser's bookkeeping), the third copy is the deduction copy (for the purchaser's tax deduction voucher), the fourth copy is the bookkeeping copy (for the seller's bookkeeping), and the other three copies of the seven copies are the backup copies, which are used as the enterprise's exit permit For inspection and storage; The ordinary invoice has only three copies, the first copy is the stub copy, the second copy is the invoice copy, and the third copy is the bookkeeping copy. 5. The special VAT invoice is not only a voucher for the buyer and seller to collect and pay, but also a voucher for the buyer to deduct VAT. For ordinary invoices, except freight, agricultural and sideline products and waste materials tax rate Except for deduction, nothing else shall be used for deduction. 3. How to fill in the VAT return? Many users do not know how to fill in the VAT tax return. The following section will introduce the method of filling in the VAT tax form. The time of VAT declaration is related to the tax payment period approved by the competent national tax authority. The tax period of VAT is 1 day, 3 days, 5 days, 10 days, 15 days, 1 month or one quarter. Taxpayers with a tax period of one month or one quarter shall report and pay tax within 15 days from the expiration date; Taxpayers with a tax period of 1 day, 3 days, 5 days, 10 days or 15 days shall prepay the tax within 5 days from the expiration date, and declare and settle the tax payable of the previous month from the 1st to 15th of the next month. The provision that the tax period is one quarter only applies to small-scale taxpayers. Fixed VAT businesses report and pay tax to the local tax authority where the organization is located, while non fixed VAT businesses report and pay tax to the local tax authority where the sales are located. According to Article 2 (1) of Announcement No. 43 of 2012 of the State Administration of Taxation, the tax return of general VAT taxpayers (hereinafter referred to as "general taxpayers") and its attached materials include: 1. VAT Tax Return (applicable to general VAT taxpayers); 2. Attached Materials (I) of VAT Tax Return (details of sales in the current period); 3. Attached Materials (II) of VAT Tax Return (details of current input tax); 4. Attached Materials (III) of VAT Tax Return (details of taxable service deduction items); General taxpayers who provide taxable services of replacing business tax with value-added tax and collect business tax in accordance with the relevant national business tax policies and regulations, need to fill in and submit the Attached Materials (III) of the VAT Tax Return. Other general taxpayers do not fill in the attached information. 5. Table of Input Tax Deduction of Fixed Assets. four renovation How much does a new home cost? renovation How to determine a reasonable budget renovation How much does a beautiful new home cost? Click the text or the picture on the right to let us calculate the new house for you renovation Budget price, old house renovation The price is determined by the actual quantities, which will be later renovation The housekeeper calls you and provides you with free renovation Consulting services and details renovation Quotation details.

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1. VAT related [Cited 2021-03-09 00:00:00]

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