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Baidu Encyclopedia "Kexing" Community Specification

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Baidu Encyclopedia "Kexing" Community Specification
Baidu Encyclopedia "Kexing" is a discussion community of Encyclopedia, which was launched on a small scale in November 2018. The discussion in this community should be based on the principles of friendliness and equality, and based on the spirit of sharing knowledge and collaborative editing. The community is managed by classification experts and encyclopedia officials.
Chinese name
Baidu Encyclopedia "Kexing" Community Specification
Community principles
Friendly and equal
Community management
Classifier , Encyclopedia official
Community spirit
Sharing knowledge and collaborative editing
Help Center

essential information

Chinese name
Baidu Encyclopedia "Kexing" Community Specification
Opening time
November 2018
Community principles
Friendly and equal
Community management
Classifier , Encyclopedia official


Kexing is committed to becoming a Friendly and equal We encourage users to share and exchange valuable views and suggestions, and advocate users to interact based on the principle of mutual respect and understanding.
Kexing does not allow Violation of laws and regulations and Disrupt community order The relevant content and account will be seriously dealt with once found.
Kexing is managed by classification experts and encyclopedia officials.

basic principle

Anyone with a Baidu account can initiate and reply to the discussion.
Any discussion content should be based on the encyclopedia spirit of knowledge sharing and collaborative editing.
Please treat different views, preferences and opinions rationally.
Please respect others' privacy and other legitimate rights and interests.
Please jointly maintain a good discussion atmosphere and environment.

What can be discussed

Content query and content arbitration application based on the term, including but not limited to pointing out the error of the term content, questioning some content, pointing out the missing/redundant/weak correlation of the content, outdated content, etc; Please provide reliable reference materials as far as possible If you can edit entries, we welcome you to directly correct the wrong content );
Entries based content update help, applicable to Can point out the insufficient content of the entry, but do not know how to edit the encyclopedia entry Or because The entry is locked and the user level is insufficient, so it cannot be edited by itself The situation of;
Subject discussion based on terms, including evaluation, interpretation and analysis of the subject, such as in“ Stan Lee ”The comment entitled "I think Stan Lee is the greatest superhero" was published under the entry;
Discussion based on the editing method of classified entries, including but not limited to the discussion and formulation of editing standards, how to find data, and experience sharing, etc., for example, the discussion entitled "How should typhoons in the 20th century determine the name of entry standards?" was published on the geographical circle page;
Relevant announcements based on the management of the classification talent team (only initiated by the classification talent, ordinary users can reply);
Reward and punishment announcement based on the members of the category experts (only initiated by the category experts, and can be replied by ordinary users);
Discuss other contents closely related to classification experts and classification terms.

Compliance with laws and regulations

Kexing strictly abides by the Internet Information Service Management Measures and relevant laws and regulations, and prohibits illegal content containing the following information:
1. The acts and contents that violate the laws and regulations of China or the user's location, including but not limited to the following:
Opposing the basic principles set forth in the Constitution;
Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity;
Damage to national honor and interests;
Inciting national hatred and discrimination, and undermining national unity;
Those who undermine the state's religious policy and promote heresy and feudal superstition;
Spreading rumors, disturbing social order and undermining social stability;
Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime;
Insult or slander others, and infringe upon their legitimate rights and interests;
It contains false, fraudulent, harmful, coercive, infringing upon others' privacy, harassment, infringement, slander, vulgarity, indecency, or other morally objectionable content;
Including other contents restricted or prohibited by Chinese laws, regulations, (departmental) rules and any legally effective norms.
2. Acts that threaten the safety of others, including but not limited to the following:
Harm the legitimate rights and interests of others in any way;
Pretend to be any other person or institution and falsely claim to be related to any person or institution;
Tracking, human flesh searching or harassing others in other ways.

Do not disturb the community order

Kestar attaches importance to a good community atmosphere, and continues to manage the following behaviors that are harmful to the community order, including but not limited to:
Do not abuse or ridicule others, and do not rise to personal attack. The discussion should be calm, respectful and practical;
Do not use vulgar words that are likely to cause discomfort, and pay attention to politeness when making comments.
Do not search other users and disclose private information without permission;
It is not allowed to publish content that is detrimental to the image of others, and it is not allowed to slander or frame others;
It is not allowed to publish or tamper with the original content of others in its own name, and the source shall be indicated when reprinting;
Do not fabricate or conceal information to gain others' trust, or make others act against their will without knowing it;
Do not publish content with commercial/personal marketing tendency;
No meaningless content or content irrelevant to the topic of discussion shall be published.

Account principle

The user's behavior and published content should comply with Baidu Encyclopedia's user agreement, community norms and other agreements;
Baidu staff have the right to delete content that violates the above agreements or principles, and will make appropriate punishment to the account, including deleting content, prohibiting speech, blocking the account, etc;
In case of special circumstances, Kexing reserves the right to disable or cancel the account.

Management principles

Kexing is managed by the Circle Master and the Small Circle Master;
The circle owner and the small circle owner are responsible for deleting the unwelcome and disallowed discussion content in a timely manner;
If the community has content that is not allowed or disputes between users, the encyclopedia staff has the right to intervene and make a final decision, including but not limited to deleting the discussion content, blocking the account of the discussant and other measures;
When the community contains content that is not allowed by the encyclopedia, if the circle owner or small circle owner fails to delete it in time, the staff will delete it, and the user who publishes the content will be punished accordingly;
If any user takes advantage of his/her authority and privilege to collect fees from other users and verify the evidence, the encyclopedia staff will have the responsibility and authority to deal with them;
Encyclopedia has the right to dismiss and recruit/appoint new owners when the owners and small owners have not fulfilled their management responsibilities for a long time; Encyclopedia reserves the right to handle and delete any discussion content in case of special circumstances or requirements of relevant government agencies.

Principles of intellectual property protection

The copyright of the original content published by the user in Kexing belongs to the user himself. Users can authorize a third party to use it in any way without the consent of Baidu Encyclopedia.
In order to promote the sharing and dissemination of knowledge, users will grant Baidu Encyclopedia a free, irrevocable and non exclusive license to use all their content published on Kexing. Baidu Encyclopedia has the right to use this content on various forms of products and services of Baidu Encyclopedia, including but not limited to websites, published applications or other Internet products.
If a third party reproduces the content published by users on Kexing outside Baidu Encyclopedia for non-commercial purposes, it shall indicate the original author in a prominent position at the beginning of the body of the work, give the original link, indicate "published in Baidu Encyclopedia", and shall not modify or deduce the work. If the work needs to be modified or used for commercial purposes, the third party shall contact the user to obtain separate authorization to use the content in the way specified by the user.
The user shall guarantee that the content published on Kexing is the copyright owner or has obtained legal authorization, and that the content will not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of any third party. If a third party raises an objection about copyright, Baidu Encyclopedia has the right to delete relevant content according to the actual situation, and has the right to pursue the legal responsibility of users. Users shall be responsible for full compensation for losses caused to Baidu Encyclopedia or any third party.
If a third party infringes the relevant rights of Baidu Encyclopedia users, users agree to authorize Baidu Encyclopedia or its designated agent to warn, complain, initiate administrative law enforcement, litigation, appeal, or negotiate and settle with the third party on behalf of Baidu Encyclopedia itself or users, and users agree to participate in joint rights protection when Baidu Encyclopedia deems it necessary.
Baidu Encyclopedia has the right to review the content published by users and combine it with relevant evidence《 Tort Liability Law 》《 Regulations on the Protection of the Right of Information Network Communication 》Such laws and regulations and Baidu Encyclopedia "Kexing" community norms deal with infringement information.