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China's energy development in the new era

The White Paper issued by the Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China in 2020
China's Energy Development in the New Era Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China The white paper was released for the first time on December 21, 2020.
The book introduces China's historic achievements in promoting the energy revolution since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, comprehensively expounds the main policies and major measures of China's energy security development strategy in the new era and new stage, and aims to make the domestic and foreign society fully understand China's energy policy and development situation. [1]
China's energy development in the new era
Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
Release time
December 21, 2020
Number of words
twenty-four thousand
white paper

content validity

The white paper "China's Energy Development in the New Era" thoroughly implements a series of important discussions on energy development by General Secretary Xi Jinping, comprehensively introduces China's implementation of the new energy security strategy of "four revolutions and one cooperation", major changes in the way of energy production and utilization, historical achievements in energy development, and China's active participation in global energy governance, We should work together to address global climate change and promote the concept and action of building a community with a shared future for mankind. [1]

Catalogue of works

1、 Take the road of high-quality energy development in the new era
2、 Historic achievements in energy development
3、 Comprehensively promote the reform of energy consumption mode
(1) New strategy for energy security
(1) Energy supply guarantee capability is constantly enhanced
(1) Implement dual control system for energy consumption
(2) Energy policy concept in the new era
(2) Remarkable achievements have been made in energy conservation and consumption structure optimization
(2) Improve energy conservation laws, regulations and standards system
(3) Rapid improvement of energy technology
(3) Improve energy-saving and low-carbon incentive policies
(4) Energy and ecological environment friendliness improved significantly
(4) Improve energy efficiency in key areas
(5) Continuous improvement of energy governance mechanism
(5) Promote the cleaning of terminal energy consumption
(6) Energy benefits and benefits the people with fruitful results
4、 Build a diversified and clean energy supply system
5、 Give play to the first driving force of scientific and technological innovation
6、 Comprehensively deepen the reform of the energy system
(1) Give priority to the development of non fossil energy
(1) Improve the top-level design of energy technology innovation policy
(1) Building an Energy Market with Effective Competition
(2) Clean and efficient development and utilization of fossil energy
(2) Build a diversified and multi-level energy technology innovation platform
(2) Improve the mechanism that energy prices are mainly determined by the market
(3) Strengthen the construction of energy storage and transportation peak shaving system
(3) Carry out collaborative scientific and technological innovation in major energy fields
(3) Innovative energy scientific management and optimized services
(4) Support energy development in rural and poverty-stricken areas
(4) Rely on major energy projects to improve the level of energy technology and equipment
(4) Improve the legal system of energy
(5) Support the development of new technologies, new models and new business forms
7、 Strengthen international energy cooperation in an all-round way
(1) Continue to deepen the opening up of the energy sector
(2) Focus on promoting energy cooperation in the "Belt and Road" initiative
(3) Actively participate in global energy governance
(4) Work together to tackle global climate change
(5) China's proposition of jointly promoting global energy sustainable development
Conclusion [2]

Creation background

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, China's development has entered a new era, and China's energy development has also entered a new era. President Xi Jinping proposed a new energy security strategy of "four revolutions and one cooperation", pointing out the direction for China's energy development in the new era and opening up a new path for energy development with Chinese characteristics. China adheres to the new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, takes the promotion of high-quality development as the theme and deepening the supply side structural reform as the main line, comprehensively promotes the reform of energy consumption mode, builds a diversified and clean energy supply system, implements the innovation driven development strategy, constantly deepens the reform of the energy system, and continues to promote international cooperation in the energy field, China's energy has entered a new stage of high-quality development.
In order to introduce the achievements of China's energy development in the new era and comprehensively elaborate China's major policies and measures to promote the energy revolution, this white paper is hereby released. [2]

Idea of works

First, the white paper focuses on the development strategies and policy concepts of China's energy in the new era. Under the guidance of the new energy security strategy, we will promote the energy consumption revolution, resolutely control the total amount of energy consumption, put energy conservation throughout the whole process of economic and social development and all fields, and accelerate the formation of an energy conserving society. We will promote the energy supply revolution, base ourselves on domestic diversified supply to ensure security, and form a multi wheel driven energy supply system based on coal, oil and gas, with non fossil energy as the main source of growth. Promote the energy technology revolution, take green and low-carbon as the direction, promote technological innovation, industrial innovation, business model innovation, and drive industrial upgrading. Promote the energy system revolution, build an effective competitive market structure and market system, and improve the energy legal system. We will strengthen all-round international cooperation, achieve energy security under open conditions, and jointly promote sustainable global energy development. China firmly adheres to the new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, and embodies the following new features in its energy policy: first, it adheres to the people as the center, always puts energy use for people's livelihood in the first place, and strengthens universal energy services; Second, adhere to the clean and low-carbon orientation, accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of energy, and increase the proportion of clean energy and non fossil energy consumption; Third, adhere to the core position of innovation, accelerate the pace of independent innovation in energy science and technology, and promote breakthroughs in key technologies in the energy field and coordinated technological progress in the industrial chain; Fourth, adhere to reform to promote development, build a high standard energy market system, and constantly release market vitality; Fifth, we will continue to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, deepen cooperation in global energy governance, accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of global energy, and jointly build a clean and beautiful world.
Second, the white paper focuses on the historical achievements of China's energy development in the new era. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, major changes have taken place in the way China produces and uses energy, basically forming a multi wheel driven stable energy supply system, comprehensively promoting energy conservation, and supporting the annual growth of the national economy by an average annual growth of 2.8% of energy consumption. Clean energy accounted for 23.4% of the total energy consumption, 8.9 percentage points higher than that in 2012. The cumulative installed capacity of hydropower, wind power and solar power all ranked first in the world. A complete industrial chain of clean energy equipment manufacturing, such as hydropower, nuclear power, wind power and solar power, has been established to strongly support the development and utilization of clean energy. The green development of energy has played an important role in the reduction of carbon emission intensity. China's carbon emission intensity in 2019 was 48.1% lower than that in 2005, and the goal of reducing carbon emission intensity by 40% - 45% proposed in 2015 was achieved ahead of schedule.
Third, the white paper focuses on the main measures to build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system. We will comprehensively promote the reform of energy consumption patterns, implement a dual control system for the total amount and intensity of energy consumption, improve energy conservation laws, regulations and standard systems, improve incentive policies, accelerate the improvement of energy efficiency in key areas, and make every effort to promote the clean end use of energy. Accelerate the construction of a diversified and clean energy supply system, give priority to the development of non fossil energy, clean and efficient development and utilization of fossil energy, improve the energy storage, transportation and peak shaving system, and enhance the energy security guarantee capability. Give play to the primary driving force of scientific and technological innovation, improve the policy of energy scientific and technological innovation, build a diversified multi-level innovation platform, carry out major collaborative innovation, support the development of new technologies, new models and new business forms, and improve the technical level in the energy field. We will comprehensively deepen the reform of the energy system and mechanism, build an effective competitive energy market, improve the mechanism that energy prices are mainly determined by the market, deepen the reform of streamlining administration and delegating power, combining regulation with decentralization, optimizing services, and improve the energy legal system and governance mechanism.
Fourth, the white paper focuses on the effectiveness of measures to promote poverty alleviation and improve people's livelihood. Adhere to the priority goal of energy development to ensure and improve energy use for people's livelihood, especially for the poor, increase support for energy construction in rural poor areas, continue to promote the transformation and upgrading of rural power grids, and achieve full power supply in poor villages; We worked hard to solve the problem of people without electricity, implemented the three-year action plan, and completed the historic task of all people having access to electricity by the end of 2015; The layout of energy development is inclined to poor areas to promote local economic development; Vigorously implement major projects such as photovoltaic poverty alleviation to increase the income of poor households; We actively promoted clean heating in winter in northern rural areas, and improved environmental quality and people's living conditions.
Fifth, the white paper focuses on the new pattern of international energy cooperation. We will unswervingly expand the opening up of the energy sector and continue to reduce restrictions on foreign investment in the energy sector. For example, in 2019, restrictions on foreign investment in oil and gas exploration and development were lifted. Follow the principle of mutual benefit and win-win results, carry out all-round international energy cooperation, solidly promote the construction of the Green Silk Road, actively participate in global energy governance, and work with countries around the world to cope with climate change. It is proposed that the international community make joint efforts to promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy, consolidate multilateral cooperation in the energy field, facilitate international energy trade and investment, promote energy accessibility in underdeveloped regions, promote sustainable development of global energy, and maintain global energy security. [1]

Publishing information

release conference
The Information Office of the State Council issued the white paper "China's Energy Development in the New Era" on Monday, December 21, 2020, and held a press conference at 3:00 p.m. that day. [4]
China's Energy Development in the New Era was published in 8 languages, including China, Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Spain, Afghanistan and Japan People's Publishing House foreign languages press Published separately and distributed in Xinhua Bookstore nationwide. [1]

About the author

The Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Information Office of the State Council) was established in January 1991. The main responsibility of the Information Office of the State Council is to promote the Chinese media to explain China to the world, including introducing China's domestic and foreign policies, economic and social development, and China's history, as well as China's development in science, technology, education, and culture. To introduce China to the outside world through guiding and coordinating media reports, holding press conferences, providing books, materials and film and television products. Assist foreign journalists in their interviews in China and promote overseas media to report China objectively and accurately. Extensive exchanges and cooperation with governments and news media. Cooperate with relevant departments to carry out foreign exchange activities. [3]