Middle income group

The group whose income level is in the middle of all social members
zero Useful+1
The middle-income group generally refers to the group whose income remains at the middle level of the whole society, employment is relatively stable, and life is relatively comfortable. [3] The definition of the middle-income group is an academic issue, and there are still some disputes at present. The popular definition methods include absolute standards and relative standards. The so-called "absolute standard" refers to the use of objective indicators such as income or expenditure to define middle-income groups. At present, China also adopts this standard. [4]
Among the many defining standards, the one with great domestic influence and widely accepted is the standard proposed by the National Bureau of Statistics according to China's national conditions and the quality of life of residents Annual family income (typical family of three) is between 100000 yuan and 500000 yuan The group between (prices in 2018) is defined as middle-income group. [5] Calculated according to the lower limit of 100000 yuan annual income of a family of three, it means that One person's annual income is about 33000 yuan, and the average monthly income is about 3000 yuan , which can basically meet the standard of middle-income group. [4]
The middle-income group is the backbone of promoting social development. In modern society, a sound social structure is often an olive shaped structure in which the middle-income people account for the largest proportion and the rich and poor people account for a very small number. It is generally believed that the middle-income group in a society accounts for 60% - 70% of the total social population, so the society is stable enough. It is estimated that at present, the size of the middle-income group in China is about 400 million people. To reach the olive shaped social structure, the middle-income group needs at least more than 800 million to more than 900 million people, which points out the direction for steadily expanding the middle-income group. [6]
Chinese name
Middle income group
Concept of middle-income group
Change with social and economic development

Division criteria



The academic discussion on middle-income groups is generally related to the study of income and consumption, distribution, poverty, social inequality, and the trend of social structure change. Therefore, the research on middle-income groups is not only an academic issue from the beginning, but also closely related to practical applications. [3]
The international measurement standards for middle-income groups have been changing with the continuous development of the global economy. The first common method is to define one or more groups with the middle income level as the middle-income group on the basis of five, seven or ten equal income; The second method is to first estimate the possible distribution function of a country's residents' income, and then use the estimated distribution function to calculate; The third method is to predict a universal middle-income group standard based on the distribution of global residents' income. The representative of this practice is the World Bank, which defines the middle-income standard as that the daily income of adults is between 10 and 100 dollars, that is, the annual income is 3650-36500 dollars. [9]
World Bank middle-income standard


Until now, there has not been a unified standard like the international poverty line for the definition of middle-income groups, but there have been many explorations, including the exploration of absolute standards and relative standards. Generally speaking, the absolute standard is more used for international comparison and analysis of the development trend of the global middle-income group, while the relative standard is more used for the analysis of the domestic income distribution structure and the formulation of social policies. [3] If the middle-income group is defined by an absolute standard, the proportion and size of the middle-income group will continue to increase as a country or region's economy continues to develop and the per capita income level continues to rise, just as the number of poor people under certain standards will continue to decrease. However, if the middle-income group is defined by relative standards, the proportion of the middle-income group will not change significantly without significant changes in the income structure. [3]
The definition of the middle-income group is an academic issue, and there are still some disputes at present. The popular definition methods include absolute standards and relative standards. The so-called "absolute standard" refers to the use of objective indicators such as income or expenditure to define middle-income groups. At present, China also adopts this standard. [4]
The middle-income group refers to the group whose income is stable, family is substantial, life is comfortable, consumption level and lifestyle are compatible with the level of economic and social development in a certain period. According to the survey of household income and expenditure and living conditions by the National Bureau of Statistics, according to the standard of middle-income families with annual income of three families, In China, there are about 140 million families with an annual income between 100000 yuan and 500000 yuan, and the middle-income group has exceeded 400 million people. [7] Calculated according to the lower limit of 100000 yuan annual income of a family of three, it means that one person's annual income is about 33000 yuan, and the average monthly income is about 3000 yuan, which can basically meet the standard of middle-income groups. [4] The middle-income group has relatively stable employment, relatively comfortable life, strong willingness and ability to consume, and has more demand for high-end goods and services such as housing, cars, culture and sports, leisure tourism, health care, education and training. [7]

Measurement method

  • Material wealth
Income and property: "moderate income, abundant".
Sign: There are houses, cars and certain financial assets. Chinese social Well off life Level is the Chinese expression of the middle class
  • Spiritual wealth
Career reputation and self-identity: career stability.
Social evaluation: because Capital economy The rise of intellectuals, white-collar workers and professionals is often synonymous with the middle class.
Social identity: because the middle class means a dignified and sustainable lifestyle for everyone and family, the social identity rate is high, and the public wants to be the middle class. It shows a society's positive attitude towards life. The per capita income of urban and rural residents in China has been greatly improved, but the proportion of middle-income people has not increased significantly. The income distribution between urban and rural areas has not been improved due to the widening income gap in society. And the income growth of low-income people is lower than Average growth rate When the income gap expands, the proportion of low-income people will increase. To expand the middle-income group, we must Low income group The growth rate of revenue exceeds the average growth rate.
  • meaning
Income level is the only basis for the division of middle-income groups
The middle-income group takes the income level as the only standard for division. The core word of the middle-income group is middle-income. The only criterion for judging which income group can be a component factor of the middle-income group is that the income level enters the middle-income range. People with income levels below or above the middle-income level cannot become middle-income people.
The middle-income group is a collection of middle-income people
Some commentators confuse the middle-income group with the middle-income group and use it as a unified concept, which is questionable. The middle-income person refers to the person whose income belongs to the middle level, and can be a certain person, for example, Zhang San is the middle-income person, Li Si is the middle-income person; The middle-income group is composed of Zhang San, Li Si and Wang Wu.
The middle-income group is a collection of middle-income people
The determination of the middle-income level is constrained by a certain region (such as a country, a province or a city) and a certain period of time (such as a year). To define whether an income earner is a middle-income person, we must see whether its income level is within the middle-income level range within the same space-time range as the determination of the middle-income level. Once this constraint is removed, it is obviously against the definition to compare the income level of a Chinese citizen with that of the United States, or to compare the income level of a citizen with that of China ten years later to determine whether he or she is a middle-income person Comparability And feasible Rationality principle
The middle-income group is dynamic
The middle-income group is composed of all middle-income people. Whether they can become middle-income people depends on whether their income level is within the range of the middle-income level. As a social and economic phenomenon, the middle-income group, as its constituent, has the movement characteristics of entering, growing and exiting the middle-income group. In social life, with people's production and operation skills and Capital accumulation The income generating capacity of some people has been improved rapidly, while that of others has been improved slowly. As a result, the income level of some people will rise from the low level to the middle level and become the middle-income people, while some people will rise from the middle level to the high level and become the high-income people. At the same time, There will also be some people whose income level will fall from the middle level to the low level and become the low income people, and some people whose income level will fall from the high level to the middle level and become the middle income people, which is the inevitable law of economic and social competition and development.

China definition standard

It is difficult to define the middle-income group, and the measurement standard of existing relative indicators is insufficient. The definition method of relative indicators commonly used internationally is not suitable for the current situation of China with a large gap between rich and poor. Therefore, on the basis of reference to the research of domestic scholars on the middle-income standard, based on the definition standard of middle-income group, it should not only meet the group positioning of well-off life and above the medium standard of living, but also not deviate from the principle of realistic national conditions and ensure international comparability, combined with the international comparison results of the middle-income level in China, Japan and South Korea at the same stage of economic development, Starting from the definition dimension of absolute indicators, this paper proposes that the definition standard of middle-income groups suitable for China's current income level should be "20000 to 67000 yuan per capita disposable income", "35000 to 120000 yuan per capita annual income" or "69000 to 236000 yuan per household annual income". (As shown in the figure) [13 ]
The standard for defining the middle-income group is that the income range is more consistent with the life of the middle-income group, which should be above the middle level and have a relatively rich life; The middle-income line is slightly higher than the middle-income standard proposed by the National Development and Reform Commission, which is more in line with the growing trend of China's resident income level; The range of income range should be appropriately widened, which is more in line with the reality that the income of urban and rural residents is uneven and the gap between rich and poor is large; At the same time, it comprehensively refers to the commonly used international standards and the middle-income levels of Japan and South Korea in the similar development period, which have obvious characteristics of the middle class society. Therefore, this research standard is also internationally comparable. [14 ]
In addition, the definition standard of middle-income group includes three indicators, namely, "per capita disposable income", "annual personal income" and "annual family income". The statistical caliber and economic significance are different, but there are some similarities. The three income indicators focus on different aspects and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. This paper proposes the criteria for defining the middle-income group of the three income indicators to avoid the instability of the measurement results of a single indicator, meet the different needs of different survey data when designing income indicators, and also provide some reference for other scholars to calculate based on different survey data.
  • Per capita disposable income: refers to the money available and used by people, which can better reflect people's real living standards. In theory, it is more appropriate to use this indicator to measure the middle-income group in China. However, the acquisition of this indicator data is relatively complex. On the one hand, per capita disposable income needs to deduct a series of fixed expenses including personal income tax, social security, etc. on the basis of total income, which virtually increases the difficulty of income survey and the possibility of data deviation; On the other hand, the concept expression and calculation formula of residents' disposable income are different between urban and rural areas. Urban areas are called per capita disposable income, while rural areas are called per capita net income. There are also differences in the expense items that need to be deducted from the total income, which increases the difficulty of income statistics.
  • Individual annual income indicator: Although the individual annual income indicator is weaker than the per capita disposable income indicator in reflecting the degree to which people can freely control their money, the data is easier to obtain in the survey, and people have a relatively accurate grasp of the annual total income, so it may be more appropriate in practical application, and easier to measure the middle-income group.
  • Annual family income indicator: the middle-income range of the "annual family income" indicator, mainly because it is also meaningful to study the national living standard from the family level. Japan, South Korea and other developed countries also propose middle-income standards and define middle-income groups based on families. [15 ]
China's middle-income group size in 2012 and 2013

Significance of division


Form an "olive" pattern

A society can be roughly divided into four classes: the rich class, the middle (middle) class, the working class and the weak class. The emergence of the middle class has turned the originally opposite poles of rich and poor into a continuous sequence of numbers; The income and property gradually decrease from rich to poor, which makes every member of society see the hope of going up the ladder and helps ease poverty gap Resulting in social antagonism. Therefore, in modern society, it is generally believed that: A society should have 60% - 70% of the population belonging to the middle class, so that the society is stable. According to this division, the middle-income group is just like the middle class. We will increase the proportion of middle-income people to form Olive Income distribution pattern The goal is a pattern of income distribution in which the middle-income people account for the majority and most people are satisfied. This reflects our country's Income distribution reform The basic idea of "raising low, expanding middle and raising high".
See Figure (a) for the structure of the olive shaped middle-income boundary under different income distribution patterns

Have a positive impact

The continuous growth and expansion of the middle-income group is not only a sign of social progress, but also a basis for social stability, which will have a positive impact on the economy and society. It is estimated that by 2030, the size of the middle-income group in China will reach about 60%. The increase of middle-income groups and the continuous upgrading of consumption standards have not only driven the consumption revolution and the transformation of consumption structure, but also will drive the optimization of economic structure; At the same time, the accumulation of human capital will continue to increase, helping to drive innovation and technological progress. [10]
Expanding the middle-income group is one of the development goals during the "14th Five Year Plan" period, and it is the proper meaning to promote common prosperity. A society of common prosperity should be an olive shaped social structure in which the middle-income group accounts for the majority. Expanding the middle-income group can not only inject new momentum into the economy by promoting consumption and expanding domestic demand, but also an important path to promote high-quality development and effective measures to overcome the "middle-income trap". [5]
Expanding the middle-income group is a strategic focus to achieve the goal of common prosperity, as well as a practical need to continuously expand domestic demand and maintain stable, dynamic and sustainable economic growth. Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has continued to grow rapidly. At the same time, it has also experienced the process of widening the income gap and hovering at a high level. Although there are many contradictions and problems, on the whole, this is a process in which efficiency increases to drive growth, some people get rich first, and at the same time, the income of all social members is greatly improved.
Achieving common prosperity is the original intention of reform and opening up, and also an important goal of the new development stage. After the per capita income exceeds 10000 US dollars, China is entering another period when some people will become rich and drive high-quality and sustainable economic development, which can also be understood as the second stage of achieving the goal of common prosperity. At this time point, it is necessary to propose a goal of doubling the number of middle-income groups, that is, on the basis of the existing 400 million middle-income groups, we will use 10 to 15 years to promote this group to increase another 400 to 500 million people, reaching 800 to 900 million people, accounting for about 60% of the total population. [11]

policy suggestion

From the perspective of development strategy, while continuing to promote steady economic growth and provide inexhaustible impetus for income growth, we should accelerate the reform of income distribution and continue to increase the proportion of middle-income people. [16 ]
  • We will maintain steady economic growth and provide strong impetus for increasing the proportion of middle-income people.
Actively and steadily promote the process of urbanization, and increase the income of large and medium income groups; Innovate ideas on promoting employment and promote the growth of labor income. Ensuring stable employment growth is a solid foundation for increasing the proportion of middle-income people. In the face of the current complex employment situation, we should innovate the working ideas to promote employment according to the new characteristics of different regional economic situations and industrial changes; We will increase financial investment in education and training, and accelerate the accumulation of human capital in urban and rural areas. Looking at the history of world economic development, every successful example of catching up with advanced countries in industrialization, such as the United States, Japan and other countries, attaches great importance to the accumulation of human capital, and promotes it to be moderately ahead of economic development, which is an effective means to achieve economic transcendence and is also a basic experience. [16 ]
  • We will increase efforts to tackle key problems in the distribution system and promote the proportion of middle-income people.
Adjust the macro distribution pattern to create the largest population base for cultivating middle-income people; Improve the factor market and adjust the proportion of initial distribution income of different groups according to the characteristics of income sources; We will strengthen the regulatory function of the redistribution mechanism and improve the benefits of low - and middle-income people. [17 ]

Development status

On October 16, 2021, the middle-income group National economy Of The backbone The potential to stimulate consumption is huge. It is estimated that at present, the size of the middle-income group in China is about 400 million people. To achieve an ideal social structure, China needs at least 800 million to 900 million middle-income groups. [1] On October 15, 2022, Sun Yeli, spokesman of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, said that China's middle-income population exceeded 400 million, forming the world's largest and most growing middle-income group. [2]
In the past two decades, the scale of the middle-income group in China has grown gradually, accounting for about one-third of the total population of the country. The proportion of middle-income groups will increase from 1.6% in 2002 to 34.3% in 2021. Although the proportion of the middle-income group in China is still low, the absolute number of people is quite considerable. At present, it has exceeded 400 million, which is about 1.25 times the total population of the United States, and is also equivalent to the combined population of Japan, Germany, Britain, France and Italy. [5]
The middle-income group in China mainly works in the private sector. Only about one-third of the middle-income groups in China work in the Party and government organs (6.1%), public institutions (16.4%), state-owned and holding enterprises (10.7%) and other state-owned units; Another 2.4% and 3.3% work in collective units and foreign enterprises; The remaining 61.1% are self-employed or work in private enterprises, other non-state-owned joint-stock enterprises and other private units. Among them, only 0.6% of middle-income groups are land contractors. From this, we can see that in the future, whether "stabilizing" or "expanding", we should vigorously develop the private economy.
The industry with high technology content and relatively high monopoly level has a relatively high proportion of middle-income groups among its practitioners, while the industry with a large number of labor forces has a relatively low proportion of middle-income groups among its practitioners. Taking the financial industry as an example, 56.7% of "financial industry" practitioners belong to the middle-income group, 24.3 percentage points higher than the national average (32.4%), ranking second among the top 20 industries. Among the 20 industries, the top five in terms of the proportion of middle-income groups are mainly industries with high technology content, relatively high monopoly level and concentrated social elites, followed by "scientific research and technology service industry", "financial industry", "education", "public management social security and social organizations", "information transmission software and information technology service industry". However, looking at the whole labor market, these industries absorb limited labor. Taking the financial industry as an example, the number of people working in the financial industry only accounts for 2.0% of the total labor force in China, and the number of people working in the financial industry among middle-income groups only accounts for 3.4%. However, the proportion of middle-income groups in the "manufacturing industry", "construction industry" and "residential service industry" that contain large-scale labor force is relatively low. The key to achieving common prosperity is how to make these industries that contain a large number of labor force develop by leaps and bounds in the future, so that the income of the labor force working in these industries can be substantially improved, and thus have the opportunity to be promoted to the middle-income group. [5]
China's middle-income population has exceeded 400 million, but most of them are near the lower limit of the middle-income standard and have just crossed the middle-income threshold. These groups are relatively vulnerable. Once encountering external shocks, they will be most directly affected, including the impact on income and employment. Therefore, these people tend to be more vulnerable physically. At the same time, these people have more worries. Although their income has passed the middle-income threshold, they still need to consider their children's education, medical care and pension issues, which makes them afraid to spend. In this case, the focus of work is how to effectively increase the income of more middle-income groups who have just passed the threshold, so that these people can further enhance their sense of gain and make their sense of body warmer. [8] (Wang Yiming, Vice President of China International Economic Exchange Center)
Middle income population in China

leading member


Member classification

1. Technology entrepreneurs
In the past, China's scientific and technological personnel were not well paid. Although the scientific and technological achievements of scientific and technological personnel have improved the popularity of scientific and technological personnel intangible assets However, the intangible assets that cannot be realized are actually no assets. Intangible assets should be tangible, Tangible assets want securitisation Securities assets should be monetized. The proposal of "three modernizations" first enriched the scientific and technological achievements of scientific and technological personnel. for instance association CEO Liu Chuanzhi He invested his own technology and management in the enterprise, and the stock assets obtained have reached tens of millions of market prices. Yuan Longping's naming right is 2.5 million shares, and each share is listed for 40 yuan. He uses his science and technology as capital. With the development and listing of the company, its capital can be realized from securities assets to monetary assets. This group of people will become more and more in the future, their scientific and technological content will continue to increase, and their income will become higher and higher.
2. Senior managers in the financial securities industry
Finance and Securities The industry is a new type of industry, and it is also an industry with relatively high remuneration, especially an industry that is quickly in line with international standards. This integration is not only in terms of system, but also in terms of remuneration. The income of these people is relatively high, and some people are already quite high. Current finance Securities industry There are many people with an annual salary of more than 500000 yuan, and not a few people with an annual salary of more than 1 million yuan. This is the main reason why the financial and securities industry attracts a large number of high-quality talents high-income High consumption
3. Management personnel of foreign-funded enterprises in China
With China's accession to the WTO, Global economic integration Speed up. After foreign enterprises enter China, they will implement the localization of management personnel, not only the localization of ordinary employees, but also the gradual localization of senior managers. Since then, a number of people have become senior managers or new compradors of foreign enterprises. These people are paid according to international standards, but they enjoy China's low prices, high salaries and low prices.
4. Intermediary professionals
along with economic globalization The exchange meetings between China and foreign countries have generally increased. For example, lawyers, accountants and appraisers should serve both domestic and foreign enterprises. Foreign intermediaries charge very high fees. Similarly, intermediary agencies in China charge high fees for foreign enterprises. Although it is paid in RMB, the valuation is in US dollars.
5. Experts from all walks of life
Because some people go to the hospital and would rather pay a high price for expert treatment. One operation may cost tens of thousands, or even one or two hundred thousand; Because life is the most important thing, a rich man with a huge amount of money is willing to pay a high price for skilled doctors. In the future, a large number of doctors may also become high-income people.
6. Senior executives of state-owned enterprises and self-employed private enterprises
The state-owned enterprise itself means an iron rice bowl job. Although the state-owned enterprise executives are not as rich as the company bosses, compared with the general public, they are definitely well-off. Although private enterprise self-employed households bear certain risks, they are also high-income people as long as they are honest, trustworthy, fair and equitable.

Population characteristics

In general, middle-income groups should have the following characteristics:
  • The average income in the whole society does not belong to the poor or the rich;
  • Stable employment, with certain vocational skills and development space;
  • Living conditions that meet basic needs and have their own housing or rental housing;
  • Fully provided basic public services, education, medical care, social security and other benefits;
  • A certain amount of household savings and moderate property income have the ability to resist risks and cope with crises;
  • Relevant consumption that exceeds the basic survival needs has the ability and willingness to purchase cars, houses, leisure travel, etc. [2]

Direction measures


critical factor

  • Maintain a certain economic growth rate and resident income growth rate
Following the criteria of the National Bureau of Statistics for defining the middle-income group, and assuming different economic growth rates every year, and assuming that the growth rate of residents' income is synchronized with the economic growth rate and the income distribution remains unchanged, based on CHIP data in 2018, this paper estimates the proportion of middle-income groups in China in 2025, 2030 and 2035. From 2018 to 2035, if the growth rate of residents' income can remain above 5%, 51.8% and 59.4% of the population will become middle-income groups by 2030 and 2035, or even exceed the goal of doubling the number of middle-income groups. Considering that some middle-income groups with higher incomes will be promoted to high-income groups in 2035, the goal of doubling the number of middle-income groups can barely be achieved while the income growth rate remains at 4%. However, if the growth rate drops to 3% between now and 2035, the proportion of middle-income groups will only reach 48.6% in 2035, less than half, and the goal of doubling middle-income groups will not be achieved. It can be seen from this that in order to increase the proportion of middle-income groups, it is essential to maintain a certain economic growth rate and resident income growth rate. [5]
  • The key to expanding the middle-income group is "lowering"
The top 40% of low-income people with higher income are the most potential to become middle-income groups in the future. If the low-income people accounting for 71.5% of China's population are divided into five groups, the proportion of each group is 14.3%, and the top 40% of low-income people with higher income account for 28.6%, which is about equal to the proportion of the current middle-income group (28.2%). In short, if we want to double the number of middle-income groups in the future, the top 40% of low-income people with higher incomes should be targeted by the policy. They are most likely to join the middle-income group and become middle-income groups. [5]

Increase the proportion

  • Grasp the key points
On October 16, 2021, the 20th issue of Qiushi magazine published an important article by General Secretary Xi Jinping《 Solidly promote common prosperity 》。 The article points out that efforts should be made to expand the scale of middle-income groups. We should focus on the key points Accurate implementation And promote more low-income people to enter the middle income category. [1]
  • Narrow the gap
Narrow the whole society income disparity The government needs to strengthen the policy of income redistribution to prevent polarization, especially by increasing transfer payment To ensure the income of middle and low income people national economy Synchronous growth.
  • Accelerate transfer
Accelerate the transfer of rural labor force, accelerate the process of urbanization, and thus the urban-rural income gap. Two transfers: one is from agriculture to industry and service industry, and the other is from rural areas to cities. Second Development education , including Education for All And improve Quality of education
Middle income group

Four key points

  • Middle expansion: reduce low-income groups and promote them to join the middle-income group. Expand the size of middle-income groups The core key lies in "lowering". Only through a variety of effective measures as soon as possible to promote low-income people to "increase" and "stabilize" income, and low-income groups increasingly enter the middle-income group, can we achieve the goal of expansion. Therefore, in order to promote the realization of the dual goals of "stable growth" and "stable employment", and truly achieve the goal of "increasing the low and expanding the middle", we must improve the mechanism of reasonable wage growth, increase the proportion of labor remuneration in the initial distribution, formulate a series of targeted policies such as improving the human capital of low-income groups, and at the same time form differentiated "lower" countermeasures against the heterogeneity of low-income groups. [12]
  • Stable: stabilize the existing middle-income groups and prevent the decline of middle-income groups. In addition to increasing the number of middle-income groups, it is more important to stabilize the stock. The key point is to prevent the middle-income group from "returning to poverty" and prevent the middle-income group from falling into low income. We should protect middle-income groups through effective "burden reduction": on the one hand, we need more appropriate public policy design, such as the principle of tax system setting to avoid the situation of "looting is not rich"; On the other hand, the key to "stability" is to increase public investment in education, medical care, old-age care and other public services, improve the social security mechanism, and promote the healthy development of these areas from the perspective of reducing the burden cost of middle-income groups, so as to achieve more powerful support for middle-income groups. [12]
  • Excellent: adjust the internal structure of the middle-income group and solve the regional imbalance of the middle-income group. At present, the proportion of middle-income groups in China is not high as a whole, and there is structural disharmony within and imbalance between regions. In terms of the internal structure of middle-income groups, research has found that, The internal structure of the middle-income group shows a "big bottom" pattern, that is, more than 70% of the middle-income group is at the bottom of the middle-income range, and the proportion of the middle class is seriously insufficient, This makes the internal structure of the middle-income group vulnerable and unstable; At the level of regional imbalance, the huge gap in economic and social development between different regions and cities has caused serious imbalance in the development of middle-income groups in China. Therefore, to expand the scale of the middle-income group, what cannot be avoided is the "excellent middle" problem of adjusting the middle-income structure and solving the imbalance problem. [12]
  • Education: implement "precision education" for key groups, and promote the increase of middle-income groups. For key groups such as college and vocational college graduates, skilled workers, migrant workers, small and micro individual businesses, the implementation of the "precision education" strategy is the focus of expanding the size of middle-income groups. How to implement policies according to different groups, that is, improve the employment support system for key groups such as college graduates and skilled workers; Give migrant workers and urban residents the same status and rights in employment, labor, social security, children's enrollment and housing security; Improving the business environment, improving the support policies for small and micro entrepreneurs and self-employed businesses, and supporting flexible employment groups to become rich through hard work and steadily increase income are the core elements of "targeted education and expansion". [12]