Technical Guide for Common Diseases and Multiple Diseases Prevention of Students Released

Technical Guide for Common Diseases and Multiple Diseases Prevention of Students Released
15:29, May 9, 2024 People's Daily

The National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention recently released the Technical Guide for Common Diseases and Multiple Diseases of Students (hereinafter referred to as the "Guide"), aiming at improving the monitoring and intervention efficiency of common diseases of students through behavioral and environmental intervention, realizing the common prevention of multiple diseases, and protecting the physical and mental health of students.

The Guide defines for the first time the concept of "common prevention of multiple diseases" for common diseases of students. Many diseases or health problems, such as myopia, overweight and obesity, abnormal spinal curvature, and mental health problems, have common public health influencing factors. Through behavioral and environmental intervention, common diseases and diseases of students can be prevented together. The same individual suffers from two or more diseases or health problems at the same time, and various diseases or health problems can be unrelated or interact with each other. When the causes of multiple diseases are the same or there are common risk factors, the strategy of joint prevention of multiple diseases can be adopted. For example, the lack of daytime outdoor activities and physical exercise, static behavior, sleep rhythm disorder, large social jet lag, too long stimulation time of night exposure to light sources, nutritional imbalance, lack of parent-child communication, etc. are often the common risk factors of myopia, overweight and obesity, abnormal spinal curvature and mental health problems among students. By increasing physical exercise and outdoor activities Adequate sleep, early sleep and early rise, regular life, balanced nutrition, and enhanced parent-child communication can simultaneously prevent multiple diseases or health problems, and achieve the goal of common prevention of multiple diseases.

The Guidelines require dynamic monitoring of common diseases. Implement the vision screening and common disease monitoring of students, early screen the key diseases such as myopia, overweight and obesity, and abnormal spinal curvature, and at the same time, pay attention to infectious diseases and mental health problems, evaluate the situation of multiple diseases, dynamically observe the development and changes of multiple diseases, early detect the tendency or trend of multiple diseases, and establish the mechanism of early detection, early warning, and early intervention.

The Guide proposes to build a three-level prevention and control system, including primary intervention, secondary intervention and tertiary intervention. The first level intervention mainly focuses on promoting simple and reliable intervention technologies, improving the school environment and strengthening health education. Secondary intervention focuses on early detection of high-risk groups, hierarchical management, and intervention for key groups. The three-level intervention is aimed at students with multiple diseases, guiding students to go to professional institutions for diagnosis and treatment, and strengthening the intervention of key groups.

Beijing, May 8, by reporter Bai Jianfeng

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