
Section four week

Maybe one morning you tried several test papers, and two lines representing the squadron leader appeared. Congratulations, you have become a mother! Now, although there is a change in your body, you will notice little or no pregnancy signs, and most mothers will not feel any abnormality.

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 4 weeks of pregnancy: basic information of the baby

Fetal changes

The fertilized egg divides continuously and becomes a spherical cell mass, that is, the blastocyst. It swims into the uterine cavity, contacts with the endometrium and is buried in the endometrium. This process is called "implantation". Implantation generally starts from 6-7 days after fertilization and is completed within 11-12 days. After implantation, the embryo slowly grows up. At this time, the development of the brain has begun. The fertilized egg continues to split, with one part forming the brain and the other forming neural tissue.

Change of pregnant mother

The fertilized egg just landed this week. Although the expectant mother's body is undergoing great changes, the signs of pregnancy are not obvious. Your body shape and weight will not change significantly, and the size and shape of your uterus and breasts will not change. However, during this period, you may have slight discomfort, may have symptoms similar to "cold", and sometimes feel tired. Most expectant mothers do not feel abnormal, and some expectant mothers will have embryo implantation bleeding.

Folic acid is one of the B vitamins, which was once called vitamin M and vitamin BC. Since it was originally separated from spinach leaves, it is now used to be called folic acid. According to research, taking 0.4 mg folic acid every day before pregnancy can reduce the incidence of neural tube defects (NTDs) in newborns by 70%. The best time for folic acid supplementation should be from the first 3 months of your pregnancy to the whole early pregnancy. If you are a mother who planned to get pregnant in advance, I believe you have started taking folic acid supplements three months ago, because this is the best time to take folic acid supplements. If you are a newly pregnant mother, don't worry. From now on until the third month of pregnancy, it is also OK to take a quantitative folic acid every day.

one This week, it is necessary to ensure adequate supply of calories and high-quality protein, as well as adequate intake of inorganic salts, trace elements and appropriate vitamins, such as calcium, iron, zinc, copper, iodine, vitamin A, vitamin D, etc.

two Pregnant mothers with blood deficiency and anemia can properly eat some red dates, medlar seeds, red beans, animal blood, liver and other foods: pregnant mothers who are prone to fatigue and colds can appropriately eat some astragalus, ginseng, American ginseng, etc.; pregnant mothers with spleen and stomach deficiency can appropriately eat some yams, lotus seeds, white lentils, etc. to nourish the spleen and stomach.

three Three meals should be nutritious in many ways. Lettuce, cabbage, rape and other vegetables can provide a variety of vitamins and minerals. Eggplant is rich in iron, and you can also eat more. You can choose bread slices, soy milk, fruit and so on.


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When your wife starts to get pregnant, you have been promoted to be a father to be. Although the baby grew up in his wife's womb, the father to be can't be idle! During the whole pregnancy, your wife needs you to share joy and worry with him, and needs your support and understanding in life and spirit. Now, smoking prospective fathers must give up smoking and stop having sex in the first three months of pregnancy!

Pay attention to the signs of early pregnancy and be a careful expectant mother. Most expectant mothers who are 1 month pregnant do not feel anything, but some expectant mothers may have these discomfort, such as abdominal tingling, frequent urination, and incomplete urination; Breast enlargement, breast pain, waist and abdomen distension; Emotion is changeable; Sometimes it may be like a cold, fever or chills all over the body, fatigue, lethargy, etc.