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Online game youth mode is nothing but a virtual live broadcast platform. Rewards are not limited

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Core tips
  • 01 On the Internet, money has become a string of numbers, which can easily make young people too "reward" themselves out of following the trend, showing off and other psychological factors; The regulations on real name authentication and identification of teenagers conflict with the business interests of enterprises
  • 02 The newly revised Law on the Protection of Minors will be implemented on June 1, in which there is a separate chapter for minors' "network protection", which clearly stipulates that network products and service providers shall not provide minors with products and services that induce them to indulge
  • 03 Readers and experts suggest strengthening supervision, urging Internet enterprises to actively fulfill the main responsibility of content management, provide high-quality content, and normalize the operation of background data push content of the youth model; Parents should pay more attention to their children and strengthen interest guidance

(Original Title: Preventing Internet Addiction and Managing Harmful Information (Letters and Interviews, Focusing on the Internet Environment of Teenagers (I))

China internet The Network Information Center recently released the 47th Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China. The report shows that as of December 2020, the number of Internet users in China has reached 989 million, 13.5% of whom are 10 to 19 years old, and 21% of whom are students. Among them, those in school age teenagers The group has become one of the larger groups of netizens.

The Internet is an important way for young people to obtain information and understand the world. However, the content on the Internet is mixed, which is easy to harm young people who are not mentally sound and have weak self-control. Many readers wrote to our newspaper to reflect various problems in the process of teenagers' online surfing, and called on relevant parties to form joint governance efforts to jointly create a positive and healthy online environment for teenagers.

Teenager model is virtually nonexistent, and real name authentication system is greatly discounted

"Since the first day of winter vacation, children have been playing games with their mobile phones every day." The children of Tu Minxia, a reader in Zhangzhou, Fujian, who just entered junior high school, recently became addicted to a mobile phone game and played it for hours. This made Tu Minxia worried.

network game It is popular with teenagers but worries parents. According to the Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China, as of December 2020, the number of online game users in China has reached 518 million, accounting for 52.4% of all Internet users; The number of mobile online game users reached 516 million, accounting for 52.4% of mobile Internet users. Teenagers account for a large proportion.

In order to prevent teenagers from indulging in online games, the relevant departments require that online games must introduce the youth mode, and limit and regulate teenagers' online behavior in terms of use period, duration, functions, browsing content, etc. However, the reporter found in the investigation that there are many loopholes in the youth model of some online games, and the real name system and other regulations are also nominal.

Tu Minxia said that in order to prevent children from indulging in online games, she opened the youth mode and set a 4-digit password. Only by entering the correct password can the game duration limit be lifted. But soon she found that children played games for far more than the time limit claimed by the game. It turned out that the child spent a few dollars on an e-commerce platform to buy a tutorial to crack the game's youth mode, and used some tools and software to break the password, successfully lifting the time limit of the youth mode.

The reporter found that in addition to cracking the password, there are many ways to bypass the youth mode. For example, when the time comes, exit the login first, and then open the tourist mode to play, or simply uninstall the game, re download and install it. What's more, some online games have set VIP permissions. As long as you recharge a certain amount, you can get the privilege of lifting restrictions.

In addition to the youth model, the relevant departments also explicitly require that online games must be registered in real name to achieve the purpose of screening the age of users. However, in fact, many platforms and games try to circumvent this regulation. Some provide third-party account login methods to avoid real name supervision. Some require real name registration, but only need to enter the ID number, register with the parent's ID number, or even find an ID number on the Internet at will to successfully avoid supervision.

"Some online games not only do not strictly restrict the registration of young people, but actively blur their identity, intentionally or unintentionally target young people as users, and lure them to indulge in online games." Chen Chen, a reader in Shanghai, said that the growing number of young Internet users has huge commercial interests, opening real name authentication In fact, regulations such as youth identity recognition conflict with the business interests of enterprises, so some game operators are not active in implementing the real name authentication system.

Live content is not supervised, and the platform rewards are not limited

In recent years, live broadcast has gradually become the air outlet of the Internet industry, attracting a large number of netizens, including young people. However, some online platforms lack content control and supervision, which opens the door to live broadcasts with soft porn, violence and other natures. The platform earns a lot of money, but the youth group suffers from it.

According to the requirements of relevant departments, Live broadcast platform A youth exclusive content pool should be built to provide content suitable for young people to watch. However, the reporter found in the survey that the youth model of some live broadcast platforms did not build an exclusive content pool, or the exclusive content pool was homogenized and inferior. The reporter randomly opened a mobile phone live broadcast software with the largest number of downloads, chose to enter the youth mode, and soon found an anchor posing and dancing with erotic meaning, which was obviously not suitable for young people to watch. In addition, there are live videos of violence, terror and other content, which shows that the youth model of this software does not actually screen and screen live content.

In addition, some lawbreakers use live webcasts to lure teenagers to perform obscene performances. The national "anti pornography and anti illegal" office had previously announced a number of cases. For example, in the case of "pocket entertainment" live broadcast platform, which was deeply investigated by the Zhaoqing Public Security Bureau in Guangdong, criminal gangs organized to lure minors to perform obscene performances. The police successively arrested 112 suspects in 15 provinces, rescued 36 minors, and frozen and detained more than 12 million yuan of funds.

"The relevant departments should have zero tolerance for such issues as playing pornographic" borderline "in live webcasts, and resolutely crack down on them according to law." Zhong Yihui, a reader in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, believes that, on the one hand, we should strengthen supervision and urge Internet enterprises to actively perform the main responsibility of content management, and on the other hand, we should thoroughly investigate and severely punish criminals according to law.

"My child is 14 years old and likes to watch some natural and technological videos, but some of the content pushed by the platform is crude, poor, and some even have common sense mistakes." Wang Zhaojing, a Beijing reader, said that there are great differences in the content needs of young people of different ages. If the platform pushes some videos that are full of mistakes and omissions to young people, It is likely to have a negative impact on children's learning.

In addition, many readers have put forward their opinions and suggestions on the issue of "reward" when teenagers watch the live broadcast. Liu Qiguang, a reader in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, said that the youth mode of some live broadcast platforms is limited to watching the live broadcast page, but users can still reward at will or enter the mall for consumption. "Teenagers often lack a specific concept of money. Especially on the Internet, money has become a string of numbers, which easily makes them 'reward' too much out of following the trend and showing off." Liu Qiguang said that in recent years, news of teenagers rewarding huge sums of money is not uncommon. In addition to further improving laws and regulations, We should also restrict the use of payment function by teenagers to solve this problem from the source.

Relevant departments should implement precise policies, and enterprises and parents should also perform their own duties

On June 1, the newly revised minors life insurance The law is about to be implemented. A separate chapter of minors' "network protection" clearly stipulates that network products and service providers shall not provide minors with products and services that induce them to indulge; Network service providers such as online games, online live broadcast, online audio and video, and online social networking should set up corresponding time management, permission management, consumption management and other functions for minors to use their services.

"The homogenization and inferiority of the content in the exclusive content pool for young people means that the content of the corresponding platform is limited or does not meet the needs of young people, which easily encourages them to think about bypassing the restrictions of the youth model." Xu Zewei, secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Internet Finance Industry Association, said that in order to make online games and live broadcast platforms more friendly to young people, Internet enterprises should strictly implement their main responsibilities. On the one hand, they should abide by relevant laws and regulations and the rules of the regulatory authorities, and establish a youth model that truly plays a restrictive role. On the other hand, they should also carry out normal operations on the background data and pushed content of the youth model, and provide high-quality content to form a positive interaction with users, which cannot be left unchecked.

"In addition to strengthening supervision, relevant departments also need to make precise decisions on the implementation details of the youth model." Xu Zewei believes that at present, the management of content suitable for young people to watch still needs to be strengthened. "What content should and should not be seen by young people? What is suitable for 13-year-old children and what is suitable for 15-year-old children is not clearly defined."

Some Internet enterprises report that users have passed real name authentication before game recharge and live broadcast "rewards", so it is difficult for the system to define whether it is a real name authentication. In this regard, Yang Gangyuan, associate professor of the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China, proposed to introduce face recognition technology. Any user must enable face recognition before making payment and consumption. Only when the real name authentication information and face recognition match, can the next step of payment and consumption process be started.

"Even if the youth mode of each software can run effectively, there will be new problems. For example, one software can only be used for 40 minutes, but the total online time of teenagers is still out of control due to the superposition of multiple software in mobile phones. It is difficult to solve the problem of addiction to the Internet." Yang Gangyuan suggested whether it is possible to develop a software that summarizes the use time of various software in mobile phones, After analyzing the actual use information of each software, parents can also set the total duration in advance, and once the timeout occurs, they can also control it remotely.

Li Kang, a reader in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, believes that many parents are objectively lack of understanding and adaptation to the Internet, or subjectively do not pay enough attention to it, and fail to play their guardians' duties and responsibilities. In addition, schools should also take the initiative to play a role, pay attention to network quality education in relevant courses, and help young people understand and use the Internet correctly.

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