Wuxi Youyou Automation Technology Co., Ltd

Emulsifying machine, lower homogenizing emulsification machine, salad sauce emulsification machine, water-based paint equipment


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  • Li Yang
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Company Information

  • Wuxi Youyou Automation Technology Co., Ltd
  • Friend automation
  • Enterprise type: self-employed
  • Main products: emulsification machine, lower homogenization emulsification machine, Salad dressing emulsifying machine , water-based paint equipment
  • Company address: Jiangsu Wuxi No. 227, Qianwei Road, Xiaofeng Community, Qianqiao Street, Huishan District, Wuxi City
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Enterprise directory » Wuxi Enterprise Directory » Wuxi Chemical Enterprise Directory » Wuxi Youyou Automation Technology Co., Ltd
About us
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contact us
Name: Wuxi Youyou Automation Technology Co., Ltd
Tel.: 0510-83212010
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊥򈊡򈊩򈊠򈊣򈊡򈊩򈊢򈊤򈊡
Address: No. 227, Qianwei Road, Xiaofeng Community, Qianqiao Street, Huishan District, Wuxi City
Main products
Emulsifying machine, lower homogenizing emulsification machine, salad sauce emulsification machine, water-based paint equipment

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