Boli Brothers (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd

Wanhua Chemical PUR hot melt adhesive, Wanhua Chemical edge bonding adhesive, UV shadowless adhesive, PUR edge bonding adhesive


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  • Wang Haibao
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  • Boli Brothers (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd
  • Beijing Boli Brothers
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Enterprise directory » Chaoyang Enterprise Directory » List of Chaoyang Building Materials Enterprises » Boli Brothers (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd
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contact us
Name: Boli Brothers (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd
Tel.: 010-67479750
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊣򈊧򈊡򈊧򈊨򈊨򈊤򈊠򈊠򈊦
Address: Zaoying Beili
Main products
Wanhua Chemical PUR hot melt adhesive, Wanhua Chemical edge bonding adhesive, UV shadowless adhesive, PUR edge bonding adhesive

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