Code: ATLAS official website of mobile travel _ marine waste earth world!

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Go to get your own ship immediately and open the world of marine waste earth you have never seen before!
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The origin test recruitment in June is now open!

Time: 2021-05-18

The recruitment for the origin test of marine waste soil mobile game Code: ATLAS opens today! This test will be conducted on both Android and iOS platforms and is expected to start in June this year. Please pay attention to the follow-up notice for the specific time. You can participate in the test recruitment by filling in the questionnaire below.

Test recruitment questionnaire (Click Go)

World restart, unknown sea area

In the 220 years of the Yuan calendar, the sea eye catastrophe swept the world, and people can never forget the moment when bottomless huge holes appeared on the sea... After the catastrophe, nearly 90% of the surface was covered by sea water, lost land and lacked fresh water, and the test of human beings has just begun. The once offshore drilling platform has become a refuge for mankind at sea, and ships have been skillfully transformed into a means of transportation to connect with each other. Variants are rampant, various forces rise in the chaos, and the mysterious and unknown sea area is waiting for people to explore

Marine Waste Land World

The mystery of the marine waste earth world is about to be unveiled. Let's dive deep into the sea to explore the origin of Atlas!

Official discussion Q group: 1 group (Click one button to group) , 2 groups (Click one button to group)


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