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Hospital address Liangjiahe, No. 343, Renmin West Road, Xishan District, Kunming

Consulting telephone 0871-68052833

 Logo of Kunming Specialized Dermatology Hospital Kunming Dermatology Hospital (Kunming hpv hospital, Kunming STD hospital, Kunming condyloma acuminatum treatment hospital)

Which hospital in Kunming sees genital herpes better?

2024-06-21 15:09:18 Report/feedback

Selected answers (1)

Kunming Specialized Hospital of Dermatology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, the Third People's Hospital of Kunming, Kunming Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Kunming Maternal and Child Health Hospital are representative institutions of Kunming regular STD hospitals. Patients can go to these hospitals for STD treatment. If you have genital herpes, the above hospitals are better choices.
1. Kunming Dermatology Hospital
Kunming Specialized Dermatology Hospital is a local comprehensive hospital with a professional diagnosis and treatment team for sexually transmitted diseases. The hospital has a dermatology and venereology department, which has rich experience in the treatment of venereal diseases and can provide comprehensive diagnosis and treatment services for patients.
2. The First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University
The First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University is a large local teaching hospital with advanced medical equipment and a professional team of doctors, which can effectively deal with the diagnosis and treatment of various sexually transmitted diseases. The dermatology and venereology department of the hospital is in a leading position in the diagnosis and treatment of venereal diseases, and its technology and service quality have been widely recognized.
3. Kunming Third People's Hospital
Kunming Third People's Hospital is a comprehensive hospital with a special dermatology department, which can meet the needs of patients for diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. The hospital has an experienced team of venereal disease experts who can accurately diagnose and effectively treat various types of venereal diseases.
4. Kunming Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital
Kunming Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is a comprehensive hospital of traditional Chinese medicine integrating medical treatment, scientific research and teaching. It has a dermatology department, which can provide patients with traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods to assist in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. The venereal disease department of the hospital is based on traditional Chinese medicine and combines modern medical technology to diagnose and treat venereal diseases, which has unique therapeutic advantages.
5. Kunming Maternal and Child Health Hospital
Kunming Maternal and Child Health Hospital is a medical institution focusing on health services for women and children. It has a STD clinic, which can provide professional STD diagnosis and treatment services for female patients. The venereal disease department of the hospital provides personalized diagnosis and treatment programs for specific infections of different sexes and age groups, and pays attention to the privacy protection of patients.
The prevention and management of sexually transmitted diseases should pay attention to personal hygiene and avoid unsafe sex. In case of suspected STD symptoms, relevant inspection and treatment should be carried out in a regular hospital in time for early detection and intervention.

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Main diseases
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Expert team more
  •  Li Yuntao, Chief Physician Li Yuntao Chief physician

    Good at: treating all kinds of chronic recurrent diseases, good at all kinds of condyloma acuminatum, genital herpes

  •  Fu Dongjie, Chief Physician Fu Dongjie Chief physician

    Good at: HPV infection, condyloma acuminatum, genital herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, nongonococcal urethritis, Yiyuan

Patient evaluation
  • s****** Disease: non gonorrhea

    The hospital is very easy to find, and the transportation is also convenient. After the treatment of Dr. Li, the infection of non gonorrhea is much better, and the physical condition is also good. I really appreciate the help of Dr. You.

    Evaluation doctor: Li Yuntao 2024-06-18
  • b****** Disease: genital herpes

    After lower body discomfort, I went to the hospital to check that I was infected with genital herpes. At first, I was afraid. After the treatment of Dr. Fu, I feel much better now, and I still feel very good overall.

    Evaluation doctor: Fu Dongjie 2024-06-18
  • P****** Disease: syphilis

    I was really worried about syphilis because I didn't do a good job of protection in daily life. Fortunately, after Dr. Li's treatment, I was much better, and my burden was less.

    Evaluation doctor: Li Yuntao 2024-06-16