The image in PHOTOSHOP is obviously yellow after color removal

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The image in PHOTOSHOP is obviously yellow after color removal
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There is a problem with the display
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Ctrl+U, try adjusting the slider. You can also turn white by using Meitu Xiuxiu.
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Press ctrl+B on the layer of the picture, and the color is biased. If you want to turn yellow and warm, turn yellow and purple in the middle. If you have learned color blending, it is recommended to use highlights and dark parts to adjust
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Suddenly, this situation should be that the display module of the motherboard is broken, and find someone to repair it! I hope it helps you
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Press CTRL+B Color Balance CTRL+U Hue CTRL+L Color Scale to adjust
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Check whether it is your monitor setting
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ZOL Q&A > The image in PHOTOSHOP is obviously yellow after color removal

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