How to install win98 system and virtual driver on virtual machine vmware

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How to install win98 system and virtual driver on virtual machine vmware
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Prepare the Windows 98 installation disk, or start the iso file
Select windows98 to create a new virtual machine
Mount the iso file, or put the CD into the CD drive, and mount the CD drive to the virtual machine
Start the virtual machine. F2 enters the bios and selects the CD to boot to the first position. By default, there is no partition. When installing the system, boot from the CD drive.
It can be installed after startup, which is no different from the physical machine installation
Right click the virtual machine to install vmware tools after installation
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Download or CD-ROM
It can be installed with EXE program
I also use WIN98
No money~~~~~
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There is a technology in the virtual machine that can support this requirement: direct hardware device access. In this mode, the virtual machine can directly and exclusively access the hardware assigned to it, but the related devices and motherboards are required to support this technology. Only the hard disk of the network card has been used, and no graphics card has been used.
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The VM driver is its own. It can only be installed after the system is installed
VM-INSTALL VMware TOOLS is installed in this path
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ZOL Q&A > How to install win98 system and virtual driver on virtual machine vmware

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