Why is the resolution of my Call of Duty 8 still blurred?

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Why is the resolution of my Call of Duty 8 still blurred?
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I used to have this problem when I played. Later, it was solved by setting the image quality to native. But when I uninstalled the game, I forgot where it was. You can click the last item "ADVANCED VIDEO" on the picture you sent to find it. For the image quality item, you need to switch to native instead of "high"
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The resolution can not be adjusted casually. It should be adjusted according to the size of your monitor. Each machine has the best resolution
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After entering, go to the settings to change the resolution.
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The last line at the bottom of the resolution change section is the advanced video settings. Click to enter and change all the settings in it to a higher level. If it is not enabled, of course, the machine itself needs to be strengthened, especially the video card
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No way out. I wonder if you have reserved the installation files. It has to be reinstalled. unfortunately
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ZOL Q&A > Why is the resolution of my Call of Duty 8 still blurred?


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