Can the solid state disk m.2 be used when it is directly plugged in

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Can the solid state disk m.2 be used when it is directly plugged in
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If you plug it in completely, you will be prompted to format it. But you should install the system on m.2, so you can do everything while installing the system, and then you can use it.
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It should be plugged into the m.2 interface.
Other interfaces must not work.
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Both are OK. The 42 and 80 in the back refer to the length. This motherboard is compatible with these sizes
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SATA3.0 interface
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Asustek B85-PROGAMER Radium Wave Game Motherboard is equipped with M.2 interface, which can be plugged into M.2 solid state,
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ZOL Q&A > Solid state hard disk > Other classifications > Can the solid state disk m.2 be used when it is directly plugged in


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