Why is the seek error rate of Seagate hard disk surprisingly high? It keeps growing. The hard disk is ticking. Why? Does it matter?

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Why is the seek error rate of Seagate hard disk surprisingly high? It keeps growing. The hard disk is ticking. Why? Does it matter?
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If there is a click, it is very likely to be damaged, or it is a precursor of damage. This is the case with one of my hard disks. You can use the hard disk bad track search tool to find the approximate location, and then partition it and hide it.
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One of my maxtor 160G hard disks is currently 253, the worst is 252, the limit is 0, the data is 0, and the status is normal. It has been used for a long time.
The other western number is 500G. The current value is 200, the worst value is 200, the limit is 0, the data is 0, and the status is normal
It seems that different manufacturers interpret this data differently (my HDTune PRO is version 4.6)
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Is it bad enough? Pay attention to file backup. If it is within the warranty period, you can go for the warranty.
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For large ones, as long as the version 4.0 or above and the 05 (remapping sector count) item test are OK, don't worry.
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ZOL Q&A > Hard disk > Other classifications > Why is the seek error rate of Seagate hard disk surprisingly high? It keeps growing. The hard disk is ticking. Why? Does it matter?


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