When GHOST is used to restore the system, the light indicator of disk C is gray and cannot be selected. What's wrong with failing to restore the C disk?

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When GHOST is used to restore the system, the light indicator of disk C is gray and cannot be selected. What's wrong with failing to restore the C disk?
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1、 There was no backup.
2、 The original backup file cannot be found. You need to find it manually
3、 The backup version is different from the GHOST version that I don't want now
4、 You haven't found the right menu at all. Try again. If the English version doesn't work, download a "Wrinkle GHOST"
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Win7 can only be installed on NTFS partition
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It is estimated that the format of the C disk is incorrect or there is a problem with the identification of the C disk itself. It is recommended that you first enter PE to reformat the C disk to NTFS format

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ZOL Q&A > PC computer > Other classifications > When GHOST is used to restore the system, the light indicator of disk C is gray and cannot be selected. What's wrong with failing to restore the C disk?

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