How can Thunderbird be set to boot?

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How can Thunderbird be set to boot?
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Find the session in the system preferences, and add Thunderbird to the startup program
As for minimization, you can set it to open minimization in Thunderbird
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Click on the software and find it in the settings. However, I do not recommend that you set it to boot up, because the boot up items increase, the boot up speed will become very slow, affecting the mood!
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There's a way! There is a startup on the start menu. Generally, it is empty. You can drag the icon of the software you want to start to the folder. As long as your computer can stand it, you can drag as many files as you want!
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5V+_0.5 is acceptable. If it is still the same with a new battery, please refer to lgz_ho | method for solution
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Do you mean that the system time is not correct after each boot, or that the system time cannot be wrong as long as you reset the boot time after each boot?
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > system > Phone power on > How can Thunderbird be set to boot?

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