What if wps doesn't have a certain font?

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What if wps doesn't have a certain font?
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The font is independent of WPS.
WPS, WORD, etc. are the fonts that call the operating system. The fonts installed in the system are the same as those in the software.
Download the missing fonts, copy the. ttf file to the C: Windows Fonts directory, and then open the WPS software to see it.
It can also be copied from other computers with this font.
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The default font of wps is five point font, and every new document is five point font. Only old documents that have been set as other fonts will default to the font set by the user when they are opened.
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I don't know what you want! If you need to enlarge the title! That can be adjusted in format+style and format! But we have to transfer them one by one first! This is a matter of typesetting habits! I have to do it in advance! If only some content is changed! Then change them one by one! Crtl+f search, shift+crtl+c copy format, shift+crtl+v paste format, is actually a shortcut for format brush
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Enter 45 and press Enter to try.
If not, check whether the cell format is set to automatically adjust the font size!
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Just download this font and install it to the system:
Font download link:

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Format brush can be used
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