The image in the computer has become a TXT file and cannot be opened. The suffix format of the image is jpg, which means it cannot be opened

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The image in the computer has become a TXT file and cannot be opened. The suffix format of the image is jpg, which means it cannot be opened
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First select a file, and then right click it. There is an opening method. Select the software that can browse photos in it (different computers may have different software to view photos). It seems that there is a default software opening below. Check it to see it. If you don't understand, you can reply me
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Did you convert the format
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The suffix is hidden and closed, and then renamed with batch
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You didn't choose the right format when you sent it
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > Other classifications > The image in the computer has become a TXT file and cannot be opened. The suffix format of the image is jpg, which means it cannot be opened


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