Unity obtains the remaining storage space of the current system

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Unity obtains the remaining storage space of the current system
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Check the memory: open the xcode project generated by unity, and select run with performance tool - activity monitor from the xcode run menu. The simulated drawcall in stats can best reflect the performance of the game
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Try installing the latest driver and the latest directx
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If you must use a 32-bit system, that's the only way. If you want to display all of them, you have to use a 64 bit system.
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The displayed mobile phone has insufficient memory, which means running memory, uninstalling software that is not commonly used, or setting the software installation location to memory card.
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Task Manager
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In 2D, you can directly obtain the coordinates of the mouse and then convert them into world coordinates. According to the scale of the button, you can calculate the range of the button. An if judgment will solve the problem.
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ZOL Q&A > Unity obtains the remaining storage space of the current system


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