GRUB cannot boot and install LINUX system

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GRUB cannot boot and install LINUX system
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Your boot method is to use ntldr of xp to load grub's grldr according to boot.ini, and grldr loads grub's boot program, reads menu.lst, and then loads the red flag.

The reason for your failure is that the grub boot program is missing, so menu.lst is not loaded.
Grldr is not enough. You have to download grub4dos and install it according to the instructions.
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I have installed grub4dos, but it still doesn't work.
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The chameleon is originally designed to boot macos and windows, and the support list does not include linux
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If the startup part is not checked successfully, reinstall it again. Pay attention to the prompt of selecting the startup part. Another problem may be the hard disk protection card
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There should be a prompt when pressing TAB when entering
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz0
initrd /initrd4disk.img
Try it
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ZOL Q&A > camera > system > Mobile phone installation > GRUB cannot boot and install LINUX system


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