Hello, I use Thunderbolt to download. How to deal with the automatic disconnection of the router when restarting the router? Please solve the problem

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Hello, I use Thunderbolt to download. How to deal with the automatic disconnection of the router when restarting the router? Please solve the problem
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Restore the settings to see if they are OK. If not, the router CPU is too hot, causing a crash
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Hello! The signal interference should be serious.
Solution: 1. Replace the location of the wireless router;
2. Set the login password.
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Check the port security settings or global security settings of the router. If the speed is too fast, it may be mistaken for a DDoS attack and the network may be cut off
How can I connect wirelessly without a router??
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Hello, we guess that the router you are using has an automatic bandwidth restriction function. You can enter the router through the portal to modify the bandwidth restriction, usually in the "Network Speed Limit" column.
The so-called bandwidth limitation here is based on the fact that the current popular routers use too much bandwidth for td downloads and Thunderbolt downloads, which can effectively allocate bandwidth.
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ZOL Q&A > Router > Other classifications > Hello, I use Thunderbolt to download. How to deal with the automatic disconnection of the router when restarting the router? Please solve the problem

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