How to convert USB disk video to MP4

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How to convert USB disk video to MP4
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1. You can download a video converter online, and then convert the video to a format.
2. When downloading, the following instructions are usually used. You can take a look and use them.
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You can use the online conversion page of the official website of Xunjie Video to complete it. Try to see how it works!

Online video converter

I hope it can help you, thank you!

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Brother, mine is the same! You can see the format of previous conversion! I can't do it now!
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I said I couldn't understand it. The recorder plays sound (sound format includes MP3, wma, flac, etc.). How does MP4 video format relate to the recorder
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NTFS format is not supported, and FAT32 is good
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You can try the civet vortex converter.
Convert to MP4 format, and select H.264 for video coding.
Then it should be converted.
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ZOL Q&A > USB drive > Other classifications > How to convert USB disk video to MP4

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