The USB socket and headphone socket on the front of the computer case are broken. Are they all stuck?

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The USB socket and headphone socket on the front of the computer case are broken. Are they all stuck?
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Two ways:

1. Replace the chassis with a new one, because the USB port and headphone port are usually fixed on the panel and cannot be replaced. Unless your electronic technology is relatively qualified, you can weld new ones by yourself.

2. Buy several USB extension cables and headset extension cables to extend the USB interface and headset interface on the back of the chassis for easy use.
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The front panel of the chassis can be disassembled. Open it first
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It may be due to the aging of the circuit board. It is recommended to check the headset cable to the USB interface on the back of the chassis.
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ZOL Q&A > Connecting line > Other classifications > The USB socket and headphone socket on the front of the computer case are broken. Are they all stuck?

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