How to log out after logging in multiple accounts at the same time in win7

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How to log out after logging in multiple accounts at the same time in win7
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Switch to the account you want to exit (next to "Shut Down"), click Logout, or log out in Task Manager
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It's not a genuine system. Of course, it's disabled. Buy a genuine system
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The dongle can be authorized. It depends on your settings. If you want her to open one, you can only open one, and if you want her to open two, you can only open two
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For system recovery problems, you can enter the "security mode" to operate the account, change or reset the administrator account.
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As long as you press f8 when starting up, you will find that the administrator account can be used in the security mode. Enter the password, and then find the "Control Panel" - "Computer Management" - "Local User" - administrator attribute to disable the check of the account. Then restart the computer and log in


Try it. In the security mode with commands, use the disabled administrator account to enter the system. After entering the system, you can modify it. Enter the security mode with command, start the computer, press the F8 key, the startup item appears, select the security mode with command, and the user selection window appears. At this time, if the administrator user does not appear, you can press the CTRL-ALT-DELETE key combination twice, and the regular user login mode will appear. Enter administrator in the user name, enter the password, and then you can log in.
After logging in, enter c: windows system32 compmgmt.msc in the command line (DOS) window, enter the computer management window, select local users and groups, find the administrator user, select double click, call out the attribute, remove the check before the account has been disabled, and confirm.
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ZOL Q&A > How to log out after logging in multiple accounts at the same time in win7


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