How to uninstall/delete an installed theme

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How to uninstall/delete an installed theme
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1) By default, the system is installed on disk C. Open C: Windows winsxs, enter *. theme in the search bar at the top right corner of this folder to prompt that the search is in progress. Finally, all the topics are opened, and then find the topic to delete. Right click Delete.

2) In the same way as mentioned above, find the "Resources" folder under the system folder "Windows", and you will find two folders "Themes" and "Ease of Access Themes". The files in Themes are the themes and "Areo themes" installed by us, and the files in Ease of Access Themes are "basic and high contrast themes". Find the theme you want to delete and click Delete.

Wallpapers are in the folder C: Windows Web Wallpaper.
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Are you just deleting the program without uninstalling it
It is ok to use the computer butler to uninstall. It is ok to use the computer butler to find the program and uninstall it directly. I can use the computer butler to uninstall the stubborn Jinshan.


Open Tencent Computer Manager - Software Management - Software Uninstall - Clear Residual Files and Registry - Done

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Next, there is a plug-in management and uninstallation in the advanced functions of the 5.2 Internet Security Assistant of Rising Card. It's good to find him and delete it.
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Don't bother so much
Menu - Settings - Program Management - Installed Programs - Then find the theme you don't want to use. Click Uninstall and it's OK
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You can enter phpmyadmin to find the corresponding table to delete manually.
I use the host of the host park, and the operation is as follows
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