Copy the EXCEL file from the company, and the hyperlink will not be used

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Copy the EXCEL file from the company, and the hyperlink will not be used
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Because of your path, the name of the file has changed!
For example, your company's link is C: 123.XLS
The computer at home does not have this file at all. Of course, it is wrong
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I can't open it. Does the computer tell me what the problem is? Such as file corruption
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Is it an incompatible problem? Or try downloading a compatible file on the Internet
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Go to the Internet to download a compatibility package. The file name is FileFormatConverters.exe, which can be found once online.
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Check one of the hyperlinks, create the same path and put it in
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1. The document is not complete, copy again.
2. The version is incompatible. It is recommended to change to the OFFICE version. The latest version of 2013 can be upgraded from 2007.
3. Some files on the computer are lost for some reasons, which sometimes affects Office.
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Before you use my method, first of all, all your related files should be in the same folder.

Then, the hyperlink of Shift 1 is edited as follows:
=HYPERLINK (./First shift roster. xlsx, first shift)

Including:/ This section indicates the current directory - relative reference
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ZOL Q&A > Copy the EXCEL file from the company, and the hyperlink will not be used


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