What is Intel (R) HD Graphics family (1547MB/Lenovo)

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What is Intel (R) HD Graphics family (1547MB/Lenovo)
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What is Intel (R) HD Graphics family (1547MB/Lenovo) graphics card [picture] View All

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According to the information you provided, it is impossible to determine which graphics card you are referring to. If you refer to Intel integrated graphics cards, these integrated graphics cards are usually designed as auxiliary display chips and do not have independent performance and functions. They are mainly used to provide basic image and video playback functions, but performance bottlenecks may occur under high load tasks.
For users who need higher graphics processing performance, independent graphics cards are a better choice. The independent graphics card is composed of a special graphics processing unit (GPU), which has more powerful computing and rendering capabilities. In contrast, integrated graphics cards usually cannot meet the computing requirements of high-end games or professional work.
Therefore, when choosing a computer system, if you have high requirements for graphics performance, it is recommended to choose a computer system with a separate graphics card. At the same time, please note that before purchasing a separate graphics card, please ensure that the chassis, power supply and other hardware devices can support the required configuration and make reasonable choices according to your own budget.
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Hello! Intel (R) HD Graphics family (1547MB/Lenovo) is Intel's integrated graphics card. General small games can still run, but large games are more difficult. If it is a desktop computer, you can consider replacing it with a better graphics card. If it is a notebook computer, it is not enough.
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Intel HD Graphics family is the core graphics card of Intel CPU, formerly called integrated graphics card.
With the development of integration technology, the motherboard supporting Intel processors has no Beiqiao chip. Previously, the integrated graphics card was integrated on the Beiqiao chip. Now, the so-called integrated graphics card is integrated in the CPU to share video memory with memory, so the performance is greatly improved. The latest Celeron G1840 CPU integrates the HD Graphics family, and its performance is comparable to that of an entry-level independent graphics card worth about 200 yuan. Can run smoothly across the line of fire, League of Heroes. Watch ultra clear movies. Of course, dual channel 4G or more is recommended.
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Integrated graphics card provided with intel motherboard
Intel HD Graphics is a series of integrated display cores of Intel. Unlike the display core integrated in the chipset in the past, this display core is integrated in the processor and has an independent brand.
Nvidia naming rules:
GTX: CUDA era (best performance)
GT: era of unified rendering architecture
FX: Pipeline Architecture Era
GF: Graphic acceleration era
AMD Naming Rules:
R9: 4K Ultra clear Era
HD: HD HD era
10: The era of unified rendering architecture
Digital: pipeline architecture era
Nvidia's suffix naming rules are as follows:
1. GS: ordinary version or simplified version of GT
2. GE: The simplified version is slightly stronger than the GS graphics card GT standard version, which is a common video card version. Compared with GS, GT is of a higher level. The GT does not reduce pipelines and vertex units. At present, the GT version is most commonly used for both office and home use. GTS: the enhanced version of GT between GT and GTX
3. GTX: (GT eXtreme) represents the strongest version, the ultimate version.
4. SE: Similar to LE, it is basically that LE (Low Edition Low Edition) and XT, which are the lowest models of GS simplified version, have also been used by ATI.
5. ZT: Reduce the frequency again on the basis of XT to reduce the price.
6. XT: Frequency reduced version, and in ATI, it means the highest end. MX parity version, popular.
7. TI: (Titanium) used before generally represents the high-end version of nVidia. Today: High speed enhanced version
8. TC: (Turbo Cache) graphics card that can occupy memory
9. Ultra: Before GF8 series, it represented the highest end, but the name of the highest end of 9 series was changed to GTX, super version.
10. GT2: eXtreme dual GPU graphics card.
11. GX2: (GT eXtreme2) means that two video cards are integrated into one video card by SLI. Unlike SLI, there is only one interface.
12. Go: for mobile platforms.
13. Z: dual core reinforced version
14. GF: Entry level
AMD graphics card
The first digit represents the product algebra. Both 6870 and 6970 represent the 6th generation chips.
The second digit indicates the level division. 6970 is better than 6870. The two chips are different. 9 is the highest end, and 8 is the secondary high-end.
The third bit indicates the performance gap in the same chip. The 6970 is better than the 6950. The two are the same chip. The latter has a bit of castration, stream processor and low frequency
Current mainstream:
Series 6: HD6990 (single card dual core, flagship!), 69706950687068506790
Series 5: HD577057505670
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Intel's integrated graphics card can play a few games with the CPU, but some games can be played with low image quality
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Integrated graphics card~!~!~!~!~!
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Intel HD Graphics 630 is the latest generation of Intel integrated graphics card, part of the sixth generation Core processor. It uses a 14 nanometer process and has a video memory capacity of 1547 MB. Compared with previous products, HD Graphics 630 has improved its performance to a certain extent, and supports higher resolution and smoother gaming experience. In practical use, HD Graphics 630 can meet most daily office and entertainment needs. If you need a higher performance graphics card, you can consider purchasing a separate graphics card to improve the overall performance of the system.
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > What is Intel (R) HD Graphics family (1547MB/Lenovo)


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