Hidden gridlines in WPS table

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Hidden gridlines in WPS table
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Hiding grid lines in the WPS table can improve the beauty of the table, but sometimes it also brings inconvenience. Here's how to hide gridlines in the WPS table.
1. First open the table you want to operate on, and find the Format tab in the toolbar.
2. Click the Format tab and select Row Height/Column Width from the drop-down menu.
3. In the pop-up dialog box, click "OK". In this way, all the row heights and column widths of the table can be adjusted to uniform values.
4. Next, find and click the "Format" tab in the toolbar, and select "Page Layout" in the drop-down menu.
5. In the pop-up dialog box, you can see that there is a "grid line" option above. Check it to enable or disable the grid line function.
6. If you want to further control the appearance of grid lines, you can select the "Style" tab in the dialog box and select "Background Color" in the drop-down menu.
7. Select the background color you want to set in the pop-up dialog box to complete the setting.
In conclusion, it is very simple to hide grid lines in the WPS table, and the above methods can be used when necessary.
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The method to hide gridlines in the WPS table is as follows:
Open the table where you want to hide gridlines, right-click the table, and then select Table Settings.
In the pop-up dialog box, find the "Advanced" tab, find the "Gridlines" option under the tab, and set it to "Disabled".
Click OK to successfully hide the grid lines of the table.
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The method to hide grid lines in WPS table is as follows: open the table file to hide grid lines, select Formula Manager in the "Tools" menu of the file, find the "Format Settings" in the pop-up interface, select "Grid Lines", and then click OK. This method is applicable to hiding the grid lines of the entire table. However, if you only need to hide the grid lines of a specific cell, you need to use other methods to do so.
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The method to hide gridlines in the WPS table is as follows:
1. Open the WPS form application.
2. Right click the blank space and select the "Insert" tab.
3. On the Insert tab, select Table.
4. Create a table of the required size by adjusting the number of rows and columns
5. Select the entire table and click the "Start" tab in the menu bar.
6. Click "Format", and then click the "Border" tab.
7. In the Border tab, select None. The gridlines are successfully hidden.
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To hide gridlines in the WPS table, follow these steps:
1. Open the WPS table and select the cell or range where you want to hide gridlines.
2. Click the Format tab in the menu bar, and then click Cell Style Settings.
3. In the pop-up dialog box, find and click the "Border" tab.
4. Click the "Color" button below and select Transparent in the pop-up dialog box.
5. Click OK to close all dialog boxes.
Through the above steps, you can successfully hide the grid lines in the WPS table. I hope it can help you!
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To hide gridlines in the WPS table, follow these steps:
1. Open the table where you want to hide grid lines;
2. Select the area where you want to hide grid lines (it can be the whole table or a specific cell);
3. Select the "Format" tab in the menu bar;
4. Click the "Border and Color" button in the toolbar below the "Format" tab;
5. In the pop-up dialog box, find and click the "Settings" tab;
6. Under this tab, select "Wireless Bar" in the "Line Type" list, then check "Closed Point" and "Fill Color", and set appropriate fill color;
7. Click OK to successfully hide grid lines.
If you only need to hide the gridlines of specific columns or rows, you can select the entire table in the first step, and then follow the above steps.
In addition, if you want to restore the grid line display, just repeat the above steps and change the check box to the default value.
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ZOL Q&A > Hidden gridlines in WPS table


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