Ares engine can not be used after changing to gm command

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Ares engine can not be used after changing to gm command
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How to use GM commands in Ares engine
When using the Ares engine, you need to execute some specific instructions to become a GM administrator. Here are some detailed steps to help you learn how to use these instructions.
Step 1: Enter the game and determine the GM administrator name to be set
Before entering the game, you need to determine the GM administrator name to be set. Please remember that this name must be unique.
Step 2: Set PTID and GM name
For mobile games, setting GM administrator is relatively complicated. However, when using the Ares engine in the end game, you can easily set it. First, find the corresponding PTID in the database and add it to the game.
Step 3: Add PTID and name to the gamemaster.txt file
After completing the above steps, you need to add the set PTID and name to the gamemaster.txt file. This file contains all the commands related to game management.
Through the above steps, you can successfully become a GM administrator in Ares engine and be able to perform various management tasks. I hope these instructions are helpful to you!
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Dear player, now we are the customer service [Qiuqiu Pig] of Tianzhu World to serve you. Dear, you can try this zspuwjr0u. Thank you for your support of the game. I wish you a happy game, thank you ^ - ^.
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Change the experience multiple to on the one click server and open it in Notepad Find: # Multiplication setting net. sf. cherry. world. exp=120 net. sf. cherry. world. mso=500 net. sf. cherry. world. drop=20 net. sf. cherry. world. bossdrop=20 net. sf. cherry. world. petExp=500 net. sf. cherry. world. mountExp=5 You can change it yourself and save it
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Because the GM level is not enough, the modification method is to first open the WEB side, find a database management in it, open a folder, there is a road color icon in it, click it, find an online building in the upper left corner (meaning that this is OK), the account number is mangos, the password is the same, or the account number is root, the password is 2009, and the version is different, and then confirm that several folders will appear in it, Find a folder of feel relind (there may be some errors in the subtitles, but not much difference). There is a data table of feel account in the folder, which contains your registered account number and GM number level. If you change it to level three, you can change everything. Send you a GM table to show what you can do. acct shows your game account permission level
. command displays the list of commands that your account permissions can use
. dismount This command allows you to dismount when you are riding
. info displays the number of all players on the server
. gmlist displays the GM list currently in the game
. help Display the specified command parameters, for example:. help modify speed
. showhorn displays your honor status
. save save your character data
. start Transfer your character to the starting region
Commands available to junior administrators:
. announcement $string Broadcast $string to all online players
. gmoff Disables prefixes for your characters
. gmon Open your character prefix
. goname $string is transmitted to the player whose role name is $string. Use the role name or click the player's avatar, such as the avatar when forming a team
. gps Display the coordinates (x, y, z) of the character or creature, map number and region
. speed (the effect is the same as. modify speed.... For short)
. modify hp $num Modify the HP value of the selected player
. modify scale $num Modify the size of the selected player
. money modifies the money of the selected player. If $num is negative, the money will be deducted
. recall $place is transmitted to cities and towns around the world, sunr,thun,cross,ogri,neth,thel,storm,iron,under
. visible $num Set the value of GM's current visible state $num to 0 or 1
. tel $string can directly enter. tel to view all the place names that can be transferred
. save save all character information in the game
. taxiheat $flag Activate or remove all flight routes of the player you selected $flag=1 means activate, 0 means remove
. whistlers $flag allows/prohibits GM to accept whispers from other players. The default value is mangosd.conf
. namego $string is transmitted to the player whose role name is $string. Use the role name or click the player's avatar, such as the avatar when forming a team
. goobject $gid transfers your character to the GameObject whose guidID is $gid
. modify desired $num Change all player's speed (run, swim, run back) $num value is 0 to 50
. modify speed (the effect is the same as above, but only changes the running speed)
. modify swim $num (the effect is the same as above, but only changes the swimming speed)
. modify bwalk (the effect is the same as above, but only the backward speed is changed)
. modify bit $field $bit Modify the BIT value of $field of the selected role to $bit
. modify energy $num Modify the energy value of the player you select. If you do not select a player, change your (thief's?)
. modify function Modify the selected creature's camp
. modify mana $num Modify the magic value of the selected player
. modify money $num Modify the money of the selected player. If $num is negative, the money will be deducted
. modify rage $num Modify the rage value of the selected player
. modify spell $num Modify the enchanting value of the selected player
. playsound Play the sound, only you can hear it
. searchtele $string Searches and displays the place names containing $string in the place names of the. tel command
Senior administrator:
. changelevel $int Change the level of the selected creature to $int (you can change the level of the target monster)
. delete Delete the currently selected target creature from the world
. deform Restores the deformation effect, (cancels the deformation effect of the morph command)
. guid Displays the GUID of the current target creature
. kick $name Kicks the player with the role name $name from the server
. prog sends you to the programmer's island
. name $string transfers the player whose character is called $string to your side, (you can also form a team to click their avatar)
. pinfo [$player_name] displays the account information of the currently selected player, or uses $player_name to specify the display
. addmove $guid Add your current location as the path point of Guid=$guid creature
. addspw $cid Add a creature with ID $cid
. delobject $gid Delete GameObject with GUID $gid
. delticket (all, $num, $name) Delete the ticket on the server, ALL (delete all), $num (delete the specified ID) $name (delete the role)
. displayid $num Change the model ID of the current target creature to $num
. factionid $num Change the current target creature's camp to $num
. gocreate $num transfers your character to the creature whose GuidID is $num
. item $gid $num Add $num items with Guid as $gid to your selected merchant's sales list
. itemrmv $gid Remove the item with GUID $gid from the list of merchants you select
. moveobject $gid Move GameObject to the character's current coordinates according to $gid
. npcflag $flag Set your selected NPCFLAG to $flag
. targetobject [$gid, $part] Find and display the latest GameObject information
. ticket [on, off, $num, name] No parameter or OFF, directly display or not display ticket for GM
. turnobject $gid Set the direction of GameObject $gid to the direction you are facing
.additem $id [$n]
. item 0 $n $name (.. Sweat..) Add items to the backpack of your selected character
. bank Display the detailed directory of your bank (mobile bank?)
. die Kill your current target If there is no target Will become suicide
. explorecheat # flag Displays or hides all the exploration maps of the selected player. If there is no target, it defaults to itself
. go $x $y $z $mapid Transfer to the specified coordinates of the map
. learn $id Learn the magic of ID=$ID for your selected role
. learn all can learn all GM default magic
. learn all_lang to learn all languages
. learn all_myclass to learn all the available magic of your profession (only for yourself)
. level $int $int can be a positive or negative number, increase the level of the current target, omit the target and select yourself by default
Maxskill sets all skills of the current target to the maximum (single handed hammer, double handed axe, etc.)
. math $id Change your current model ID to $id, (use the. demo command to restore)
. npcinfo Display the detailed information list of the NPC you selected
GUID, Faction, NPC Flags, Entry ID, ModelID
Level, Health, Location information, and biological species (such as whether it is a merchant)
. reset. Reset Level (reset the level of the selected target to 1)
. Reset spell (reset the skill of the selected target)
. Reset stats
. Reset talents
. revive Revives the currently selected target (if there is no target, you will revive yourself)
. security $name $level Change the GM level of the player whose name is $name to $level
. lookupitem $name Search for props by item name, for example, search the list of items with the word 'sword' in all item name.lookup sword
. addgo $id Add GameObject from GameObject_template to your location in the game world according to your ID
. additemset $id Add a package item with a package number of $id to your selected character's backpack
. allowmove Allow the selected creature to move
. anim $mid player will make ID=$mid expression to your character
. aura $sid Add an aura with ID of $sid to your character
. unaura $id Remove the aura effect of SpellID=$id on you
. createguild $s1 $s2 Create a guild named: $1, and its president is: $2
. distance displays the distance between your character and the selected creature
. emote $id The creature you selected will make a $id expression
. gameobject $id Add a GameObject with ID=$id to your current location
. getvalue $field $isint Get the value of FIELD=$field of the selected creature, such as $isint=1, get the value of FIELD as an integer
. worldport $map $x $y $z Transfer to the specified coordinates of the map
. box $x $y [$mapid] Transfer players to the X and Y coordinates of the water (ground) plane with the map of $mapid
. hidearea $id Hides the map area with ID=$id of the selected role
. hover $flag Allow or disable your character hanging mode
. unlearn $start $end Forgot the magic ID=$start of the target you selected
. learnsk $id $level $max Give you the selected role Learning ID=$id The current skill is $level The maximum skill is $max
. unlearnsk $start $end Forgot the skill ID=$start of the selected target
. linkgrave $id [alliance, horde] Change the location of the resurrection cemetery of all players (or just tribes, or one of the league) to ID=$id
. loadscripts $name Reload script with script name $name
. lookupcreate $name Find all related creatures according to $name, and list the qualified biological IDs
. lookupskill $name Finds skills through $name and returns qualified skill IDs
. mod32value $field $value Add the value $value to your role's $field
. nextrave [alliance, horde] Search for the nearest cemetery connected to the zone (ZONE), or only the union or tribe
. newmail $flag Send a new email notification with the tag $flag
. object $id $save Add the mailbox with model ID=$id to your current location. If $save=true, save it to the database
. qnm $flag asks the time of the next email by marking $flag
. setvalue $field $value $isint Set the value of the selected biological FIELD. If $isint=1, set the value of the integer FIELD
. showarea $id shows the exploration map of area ID=$id
. shutdown [$delay, stop] If you use $delay (seconds), the server will be shut down after $delay seconds. If you use stop, the server will be shut down
. standstate $id Change your character's expression to $id
. update $field $value Update the value of FIELD $field of the currently selected target to $value (If there is no $value, $field value will be displayed)
. wchange $type $status Set the current weather to $type and the weather condition to $status
The value of $type is 1=rain, 2=snow, 3=sandstorm
The value of $status 0=Forbidden, 1=Allowed

. help dismount Mount from the mount number # (max=3) lvl10=1 lvl15=2 lvl20=3
. start switch to your birth point
. save save character information
. gps Display the coordinates of your location, including X, Y, Z and direction.
. modify # Adjust the speed and character proportion of money, magic, physical strength level # gold mana hp level speed scale
. learn all gm Learn all skills
.auraTo test aura's, can be unstable
. learn learning skills
. unlearn id Forgot the magic learned
. learnskid learning skills
. unlearnsk id Forgot skill
. commands List all the commands you can use
.summonto you.
. appear Force the player who has been disconnected to kick out (GM cannot be kicked out)
. prog transfers itself to GM Island
. guid Display the guild of the selected NPC
. AddSpawn adds brush strange points
. spawntaxiAdd a delivery point merchant
. delete Delete the selected NPC
. name Change NPC level (max 99)
. item Add an item to the merchant
. itemmove Delete an item from the merchant
. moveMove
.random # Set random movement! 1=ranom(default), 0=path
. run Set run or walk # Set run or walk! 1=run, 0=walk(default)
. commands Display available GM commands
. die Kill player
. dismount Dismount
. displayid Change NPC profile ID
. factionid Change NPC function ID
. gm list Display all online GMs
. gm off Turn off character display
. gm on Turn on character display
. info Displays the number of online users
. morph Changes the player's appearance
. go x y z mapid Go to the specified coordinates of the corresponding map
.npcflag Changes the flag of the selected NPC.
. worldport does not need to read the interface, but sends you anywhere
. addgrave will add a location to the database
. addsh Create a soul healer at your current location. If you are not a soul, you will not see it
. demo Change the character back to the default shape
. revive Revive a character
.addspw= decimal template id
. additem id Add an item to the package
. go coordinate to the place indicated by the coordinate
. goname (same as emu)
. namego (same as emu)
. changelevel Change level
. commands List the GM commands that can be used
. delete Delete
. revive Revive a character
. npcinfo Display the details of a selected NPC
. kick Pick a selected player from the world
. die Kill the player. If not, kill yourself
. level 60//Promote the target by 60 levels
. money 99999999//Increase money
. modify speed 20//Increase target movement speed
. modify hp 9999999999//Add target HP
Use the command to learn all skills after selecting yourself
.learn all
.learn all_lang
. lean all_myclass is mainly about entering those English words with "Enter". Do you know
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