Let the text fly to the upper right corner in ppt

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Let the text fly to the upper right corner in ppt
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To achieve the text fly in effect, you can follow the steps below:
1. First, find the page where you want to place the text in the PPT, and ensure that the text has been entered.
2. On the page, hover the mouse over the position where you want to place the text. When the mouse pointer turns into a small cross arrow, it indicates that custom settings can be made.
3. Right click the location and select the "Custom Animation" option. This opens a new window with many available animation effects.
4. In this window, you can use the slider and other settings to adjust the fly in effect. For example, you can select the appropriate speed and delay time to control when text starts and ends the fly in process.
5. After confirming the settings, click the "Play" button to play the selected animation effect. If you need to further adjust or pause the animation, please click the "Stop" button again.
Please note that before making any changes, please ensure that the PPT file has been saved, and save again after editing to ensure that the changes take effect.
The above is a common method to achieve the text fly in effect. I hope the above methods will help you!
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Click View - Slide Master on the menu bar of PPT to learn more.

The master can help the operator save time. For the content to appear on each page, you can use the master to add it at one time.
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Add Effect - Action Path - Diagonal Up Right
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Another way is to use the custom action path feature. Create a new shape (such as a rectangle), make its fill color transparent and place it in the upper right corner as the target position. Next, enter text in the text box, select Format>Convert, and check Track Motion. Then associate the text with your shape in the action settings, and adjust the parameters to make the text move smoothly along the path to the upper right corner to stay
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In PowerPoint, you can fly the text to the upper right corner through animation effects. First select the text, click the Animation tab, select an animation style like Path or Fly In, and then set the start point to the lower left corner and the end point to the upper right corner in the animation pane on the right. Remember to adjust the duration and speed to achieve the effect you want
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