The Mac Pro 840 Apple system was accidentally erased by me. There is only one win10 system in the

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The Mac Pro 840 Apple system was accidentally erased by me. There is only one win10 system in the
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If you want to reinstall the Mac system, you need to first back up Windows data and format the entire computer. Next, you can use another Mac to create a startup USB flash drive, then take it back to your computer and install it. After the system installation, consider whether you need to install the Windows operating system. Please ensure that important data is effectively backed up during reinstallation to avoid losing important information.
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It seems that there is no hope!
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The best way is to go to the after-sales service
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The following two methods can be used to delete and erase Windows:
Method 1. Use the boot camp assistant to delete the Windows system
1 Open "launchpad", and in "Utilities", double-click to open "boot camp assistant".
2. In the pop-up "Boot camp assistant" - Introduction window, click the "Continue" button at the lower right corner of the "Introduction" window.
3. In the pop-up "Boot Camp Assistant" - select the task window, click "Remove Windows 7 or higher", and then click the "Continue" button.
4 In the "Restore Disk to Single Volume" window, click the "Restore" button at the bottom right corner. After the operation is completed, the windows partition will be removed and the disk will be restored to the os x volume of a single partition.
Method 2: Use disk tools to delete the Windows system
1 Select "Application" in the sidebar of finder, open "Utility", and double-click to open "Disk Tool".
2 Select the first total disk in the left sidebar, as shown in the figure: "apple ssd ts064c media";
3 Select the "Partition" tab, select the "win 7" partition to be deleted in the partition layout below, and then click the "-" button below.
4 At this time, only the mac os x is left. Select the entire "macintosh hd" and click the "Apply" button. To restore this system takes up the entire disk space.
5 After clicking "Apply", "Checking the file system" will be prompted under "Application". After the system operation is completed, the system will restore the OS x single disk partition.
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MiniTool Power Data Recovery
MiniTool Power Data Recovery can retrieve the most files, and has no professional software threshold for personal use. The main interface provides six modules: anti deletion (this module is used for "emptying the recycle bin"), damaged partition recovery, lost partition recovery, digital media recovery (flash memory card, etc.), CD&DVD recovery. The classification is clear and the instructions are clear. It even claimed that it could restore the reformatted partition, but the two dogs had not tried.

For Win/Mac system users, MiniTool Power Data Recovery is not only available in versions (called MiniTool Mac Data Recovery under Mac), but also free for individual users. The Windows version also supports HFS+partitions, which can directly recover data from Mac hard disks and iPods, which is rare even in paid data recovery software.
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