How to deal with the small display box when typing with Sogou input method in WIN8.1 system

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How to deal with the small display box when typing with Sogou input method in WIN8.1 system
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This box is the skin setting of the input method. You can adjust it according to your own preferences. First, right click the blank space in the input method interface and select Set Attribute. Then, click the "Appearance" tab in the pop-up dialog box to find the font size or skin settings. Adjust appropriate parameters according to personal needs.
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1. The input method conflicts. Now only one input method is reserved for other input methods to avoid automatic switching between Chinese and English
2. Set the problem, open the control panel → clock → language → regional language → advanced settings → change the language bar hotkey → between input languages → change the key sequence → ctrl shift
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Recently, when a user of Win8.1 system was playing League of Heroes, he found that when he wanted to open chat, the input method did not display the preselected words, and he had to select them by himself blindly. After analysis, it was because there was no input method injected into the game. This article gives you a specific solution to the problem that the typing chat input method of Win8.1 system played League of Heroes did not display the preselected words. 1. Open the game directory, such as D: League of Heroes Game DATA Menu; 2. Find the IMEConfig.xml file in the above directory, and open it to see the contents of the picture. The red box part is the default registered input method. You will see the Sogou Pinyin input method, the Chinese QQ five stroke input method and the like on the next page. What we need to do now is to register our input method; 3. Next, add our input method information in IMEConfig. xml. Add code under the node: Microsoft Pinyin MSPinyinIME3.0GFxIME_Ch_Simp_MSPinyin_3_0, then save and close. The problem is solved! 4. Microsoft Pinyin -- Input method name MSPinyinIME3.0 -- Display name GFxIME_Ch_Simp_MSPinyin_3_0 -- Candidates The above is the detailed steps to solve the problem that the win8.1 system does not display preselected words when playing Heroes League typing chat input method. You can refer to the above method to solve the problem.
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ZOL Q&A > Internet behavior management > Other classifications > How to deal with the small display box when typing with Sogou input method in WIN8.1 system

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