How does Excel find the two closest numbers to a certain data in a group of data?

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How does Excel find the two closest numbers to a certain data in a group of data?
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The maximum value formula less than or equal to 5.4=MAX (IF (A1: A8=5.4, A1: A8))
Minimum value formula greater than or equal to 5.4=MIN (IF (A1: A8=5.4, A1: A8))
For array formula, Ctrl+Shift+Enter is used to end the formula. Normal operation can only be performed after the curly braces {} are generated before and after the formula. As shown in the figure:
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Can the original data be processed? Add auxiliary columns or cannot move the original data?
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If the data is in ascending order, use VlookUp to find it.
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ZOL Q&A > How does Excel find the two closest numbers to a certain data in a group of data?

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